Chapter 18 - Paris

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  The palace was under attack?! Oh, that was just lovely. Brilliant. 

  This new flood of information made my head spin. Well, that is, spin faster than it already had been. Nico had...he'd...almost kissed me. I was certain. Being only fourteen I'd never kissed a boy, but when one leans in and closes his eyes that most likely means it's coming. And I'd stunned myself further by closing my eyes and pushing forward as well. This wasn't something I was good at. Most, if not all, of the Aphrodite children knew this sort of thing like the back of their hands. I wasn't one of them, and it was showing.

  "How can your palace be under a freaking attack?!" I yelped.

  "Ms. Hale, that is no way to talk to a god," Hades boomed angrily.

  "Right now I--"

  "Paris," Nico nudged me. His dark eyes flashed a warning and I shut my mouth resentfully.

  "The palace is being invaded by one of the Titans who has, most unfortunately, come back. He is weak, though, and I shall easily defeat him." Hades mumbled mostly to himself.

  "Which Titan?" I asked feeling curiosity overwhelm fear.

  "Krios. I banished him to Tartarus, and he has risen. His power is exceptionally limited and this shall be a simple task." Hades kept his eyes on the orb in his hands, never glancing up even as a loud thud began to permeate the air.

  "Are you sure he's weak? What if he's--"

  "SILENCE!" Hades suddenly roared. I jumped several inches and took a few steps back. Nico's hand was frozen over mine. I looked over at him and saw his face was fixed with surprise as he stared at his father. "I am right. Do not argue with me."

  "What if Nico and I could help?" I asked.

  "You want to help kill a Titan? Are you in your right mind?!" Hades stormed.

  "Yes, I am. And yes, I do. " I said boldly.

  "Dad, she has a point," Nico stepped forward to my aid.

  "And that would be?" He inquired, eyes flashing.

  "Mrs. O'Leary isn't going to come because she's protecting her home. See?" Nico whistled but Mrs. O'Leary didn't come running. "We could help get rid of Krios."

  "You think I'm going to let two young demigods go and fight a raging Titan? You are sorely mistaken," Hades argued.

  "But, Dad, we could he--"



  "Why would I let this young one who has never even goner on a quest go with you if you were to go? That would be foolish," Hades voice was much quieter after his son's outburst.

  "I'm not young! And I've never been on a quest because the Oracle is a brainless--"

  "Er, Paris," Nico poked me. He turned to Hades, "Paris beat me the other day at a sword fight with no trouble at all. She also beat Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, faster than she did me. You can test her if you like."

  Hold up one second. Test me? Like, I have to have a sword fight with Hades?! Percy had once defeated Ares in a sword fight, but he was the greatest demigod of all time.

  Hades watched me thoughtfully for a moment, seeing how nervous I looked, then he pulled a Stygian Iron blade from a skeleton beside his throne. The sword was longer and, if possible, more deadly looking than Nico's.

  I gulped as the blade glinted in the light cast from the throne room's torches. 

  "Uhm, are you sure about this, Nico?" My eyebrows knit together as Hades polished his sword on his black cloak.

  "Yep. Just try not know, freak." Nico said. Just like that, Nico bent down and pressed his lips softly to my cheek. A shock of adrenaline rushed through my system. Suddenly, beating Hades didn't seem like such a hard task after all. I took a deep breath and stepped up to the god. 

  My cheek still burned where Nico's lips had caressed it as we got into stance. 

  Nico gave the starting noise and Hades began to circle about me. Dio shimmered in the dim light of the throne room, a soft golden glow. I followed Hades every move with just my eyes.

  Swiftly, much like a viper, Hades sword flashed forward at my chest. I'd countered it before I could think. After several more attacks, I became used to his fighting style. Sly. He struck when you least expected it.

  I dodged and weaved with the utmost ease. Nico had just...Oh my gods. Oh gods. The power surged through my body effortlessly. He...he kissed me. On the cheek, but still. Surely that counted as something?

  "You're very talented, I'll admit," Hades blocked my thrust. "But you cannot--"

  "Defeat you?" I darted forward and sliced at his throat. Instead of hitting my target, my blade sliced off a bit of the god's goatee. It turned to golden dust as it wafted through the air. 

  Hades watched it drift away in shock. I took that split second and worked it to my advantage. I flitted forward and flicked my blade around so the tip rested in the hallow at Hades throat.

  His eyes followed the blade until they reached my determined face.

  "Very good, young one." He stepped back and I sheathed Dio. 

  "What did you expect?" I asked. "Also, I'd like it if you'd stop calling me--"

  Just then a bang shook the palace.

  "What was that?" Nico lurched to the side as another hit made me stumble.

  "I believe Krios has reached my palace." Hades said.



I know, another short chappy. Sorry, guys! This was the perfect cliffhanger, so y'know...

Soo what didja think? I know, you're all probably VERY sick of that question. 

Remember to vote and comment your opinions! Hate will be deleted, not because I care about the haters, but because it's annoying to have hate on a story:).

I'll update soon! 

Byeeeeeeeeee Narwhals!

The Unicorn LOVERRR XD

Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now