Chapter 7.

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Jade Olive🦄
Friday, December 12, 2015
Atlanta, Georgia

An entire two weeks since the introduction of custody battle had begun. Of course things like gaining custody doesn't happen overnight so me residing with Nicki will most likely happen in the year of 2016.

Since that day in court, I have to remain in the Williams' household. If I do decide to run away or something happens, it'll jeopardize the case and Nicki could possibly lose me forever.

I got dressed after my shower and threw my hair in a bun. I slid on a necklace and some stud earrings before going downstairs.

"Where are you headed?" Sandra asked once I hit the last step and I shrugged

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"Where are you headed?" Sandra asked once I hit the last step and I shrugged.

She's been a bitch since she discovered that Nicki wants custody over me. Everything I do, she questions. It pisses me off.

"I'm just going out somewhere. I'll be back." I said about to turn the knob of the front door but she stopped me.

"No the hell you're not! What you're about to do is take your fast ass back up those steps! Now I been nice for a good two weeks but even fate can tell you that was all for show. Now get your ass back upstairs and take off those fuckin' dyke ass clothes!"

I shook my head and chuckled. The recorder was still going in my purse.

"I've already made plans to go out today. I need more hygiene stuff and since you all won't buy it, I have to do it myself. Please, excuse me." I said politely.

Sandra smirked and then had the nerve to push me. I looked at her taken aback until she slap the shit out of me.

I started to punch her in the face but remembered the custody thing. Luckily, I had my camera in my hat also.

"Get your ass back up those steps!"

I did as told and walked inside of my room. I locked the door and stuck a chair underneath the knob.

I pulled out my laptop and saved the footage. I pulled up my email and sent it right to Judge Johnson.

But for some odd reason, the word "Tracking" in red, bold, letters flashed across my screen. When the email read sent, the tracking sign went off.

I started looking all over my computer to see if there was a tracking chip and there was. Sandra and William had hacked into my computer and put a tracking chip in. I quickly removed it and placed it inside of a ziplock bag. I slid the bag inside of my backpack along with other evidence and zipped it back up.

Onika's Kid :: TPK RemixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora