Lie to Me | Eight

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Lie to Me | Eight

I laughed. “Okay,” I started. How do I reveal this to someone without having them think that I’m a loony? What if he runs away, screaming? Wait, I was in his car, he would have to eventually come back. “For some reason,” I started, looking away, not able to see his reaction. “I can tell when people lie…” I peaked back up at him, gauging his response.

      His face was blank as the words settled in.

     I can tell when people lie. I am a freak. I am cursed.

     I used to be a normal kid. Up until I was the age of fourteen actually. I had my first boyfriend—a month long relationship. I was excited that I would be graduating from middle school. I felt so cool and powerful. I felt like the girl on top of the school even thought I was middle class at the highest. My parents weren’t around but I still thought that they loved me. The day my life literally shattered into a painful mess was fifteen days before my graduation ceremony and on my first ever one month anniversary.

     But as I sat in the cafeteria laughing with the boy I thought I loved, a pain crossed my body up and down. I doubled over in front of everyone as I clutched my stomach before stumbling to my feet and running to the bathroom. My boyfriend had been concerned but not enough to follow me and I couldn’t tell if I was actually grateful or hurt about it.

     When I reached the bathroom, I sat on one of the toilet seats and hugged my knees to my chest as the tears of pain came unannounced. And then I felt it. That slight rush and all I could do was hope that I didn’t pee myself. First, I ran out of the cafeteria and now I pee’d myself? This day was horrible, beyond demonic.

     When I checked though, I realized that I hadn’t. In fact, it was not only my first month’s anniversary with my boyfriend but I was my first ‘that time of the month’. I know that fourteen is supper late to get that. I knew girls who started when they were ten for Pete’s sake! But, now I could start being normal. Now, I had thought, I could stop lying about that aspect of embarrassment.

     How wrong I was. As I readied myself to venture out from the stall, someone walked into the bathroom and I backtracked. I stood on the seat so who ever just walked in wouldn’t see me. “Did you see Haylie just run out of the Caf like a weirdo?” I cringed at the name, knowing that voice.

     “I know,” someone sang. “I wonder if she had lice in her hair or something.”

      “I heard that she does have lice!” the other girl exclaimed. That was the first time I felt it—my power. A coppery taste swam in my mouth and a muffled cry escaped my trembling lips. It was my head now. That incredible pain traveled to my head. I couldn’t think as I clutched my scull. And the pain left almost as quickly as it prodded me. I spat the foul taste of blood from my mouth but red didn’t splatter the floor. That was the same time that the door to the bathroom stall I had hid in burst open.

     There stood Bethany and her sidekick, Mara. Twins in every purchasable way. “Speak of the devil and she shall appear.” Bethany jabbed at me. “Do you have lice?” she questioned, leaning forwards and putting her hands on her knees scrawny tan knees. “Are they finally eating out that gray matter that you call a brain?” her friend laughed but I was sure that Mara had no idea what gray matter was. “It’s okay, their just cleaning up the mess that your mother left behind.” She tittered cutely with a pop. Bethany reached forwards like she was going to pet my head like a dog but then quickly retracted her hand. “Don’t want the cootiez.” She waggled her fingers.

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