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Everyone is gathered around Penelope and her newborn. Sam is a proud father of a bouncing baby boy. The parents have yet to name the little angel.

Penelope snuggles the little child close to her. "Sam, do you want to hold him?"

Sam nods and holds his arms out. Penelope hands the small baby to him. Dean left to find the cafe for some coffee. He hasn't slept that good in forever. Cas is off doing God knows what, leaving Dean alone.

"What do you want to name him, Pen?" Sam asked, as he held the boy close to his heart.

"Jacob Samuel Winchester." Penelope says. Sam grins. "I love it." He coos at little Jacob. "You like that name? You're gonna grow up and you're going to be as awesome as your daddy."

Jacob made a baby noise and grabbed his daddy's finger. Sam and Penelope smiled.

Dean walked in. "What about as awesome as me?" Dean joked carrying in coffee.

Penelope laughs. "My son will not turn out like you, Dean. I'd rather he turn out like Sam or Cas. Heck he could even turn out like Gabriel for all I care. Just not you."

Dean faked a sad look. He passed out the coffee. "How are you, Pen?" Dean asked.

"Good. Little sleepy. I'm more worried about you." She says, accepting the coffee. Sam walks off a ways for a little father/son time. Pen asks, "How are you holding up?"

"What do you mean? Why are you worried about me?" Dean questioned.

"I know you haven't been sleeping. Are you worried about Cas?"

Dean nodded. "I haven't seen him in a long time. I have no idea where he is or if he is hurt or something." Dean said.

"He's probably fine, Dean." Penelope says reasonably. "But if you're so worried, pray to him. He'll come."

"I've prayed to him. I just don't know if he is hearing me or not." Dean clears his throat. "Enough about this. Sam, you can come back."

Sam came back. Jacob was restless. "He's probably sleepy." Sam says. "I'm going to put him to bed." Penelope smiles at her little boy. Sam let her kiss Jacob's head. "I'll be back." Sam says, then Sam is gone to the nursery.

Dean sat down on the couch, and prayed to Cas. "Please Castiel. I need you here. It's been a long time since I've seen you and I want to know if you're ok, or something." After the prayer ended, Dean opened his eyes to see Cas standing in front of him. Dean threw his arms around Cas.

Penelope smiles and walks into the bedroom she shares with Sam.

Cas pulled Dean to their room. Cas pushed Dean inside and walked in himself. They got under the covers and went to sleep.

So this one is real short. Only 450 words. Sorry if you wanted something longer. But hey destiel for you shippers like me out there. My friend and I were kind of uninspired. Don't worry the next one will be better.

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