45; From Josh

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Dear Ethan,

There are so many people out there who are facing their worst fears; going through absolute hell each day, fighting their way through whatever it is they're being faced with. And honestly, at the start of this, I didn't think I'd be able to get through my own battle.

I never really showed my fears, i never showed people I cared or wanted them in my life. I always came across as 'selfish' or 'stubborn', but I guess I was only ever trying to protect my feelings. You dying was never really something I wanted to happen, and I know I always joked about it and hurt your feelings, (unintentionally), I didn't mean to upset you.

And I know, I am mean, I am 'careless', but something that someone labels me is not going to define who I am.

And I'm not going to let this define who I am.

I miss you Ethan. I miss your laugh and your unfunny jokes, your rudeness and happiness. But buddy, it's time to let you go. The storm has settled and it's all been put aside.

This is my last letter Ethan, but I'll see you again soon.
- Josh. :)

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