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" Caleb ! , Caleb " I began to say uncomfortably as he began massaging my butt cheeks .
It wasn't the fact that he was doing it was that I had a whole lot of stuff in my hands and it's very difficult to obtain the items while we were making out .
"CALEBB" I say a little louder shocking him .
" hey babe" , "how was you day "I say to lighten the awkwardness.

"Fine " he says as he walks to the couch .

Me and Caleb have Been dating from around 1 year and 3 months . We very close and trust another . Caleb is 1 year older than me and decided to skip college to extend a music career.

He still lives with his parents and trying to save up enough money to move on his own .

As he returned back to his video games I began to stare at him .

"What was that all about ?"I say to him really confused of what just happened .

He look at me then suddenly looked back at his game . "Nothing "he says nonchalantly .

I scrunched my face up , " nigga I don't have time for your games. What the fuck is wrong ".

He ignored me .

I could sense something was wrong so I came up with a conclusion.

I got up and put all the things I had bought for him to have , in my bag I was trying to be nice but I guess that will just have to wait .
I stood and walked to the door and swung my book bag over my arms.

He steadily looked at me but went rite back to call of duty , talking yelling into his earpiece .

I examined him once more then opened the front door and walked out .

I walked to the car and got in and began to drive .

As I was driving I saw this grey mini van behind me , I thought they were following me but this was a main course road . I can't make assumptions I told myself .

I turned on some music just to help me stop overthinking cause I tend to do that a lot ! I looked back again and I didn't see the van .


When I first arrived , my dads wife kept pleading me to come and eat but I didn't have an appetite . My dad told me that he needed to talk to me which is rare soo it had to be serious .

I was on my computer completing my calculus homework .
Hey guys ! I know I never update but I really just have writers block ! I plan to update more and this will probably be one of the shortest chapters because I really wanted to get something out today.**

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