The Beach (2)

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With the volleyball tournament over, everyone gathered around Mira so that she could explain the next event.


Mira started to explain what we were doing next. Apparently we're playing 'Split the Melon' or 'Melon Splitting'.

(If you've watched Naruto SD then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, then listen/read carefully.)

She had bought a watermelon and supposedly we're supposed to fight for it. I didn't really listen to the rest of the rules after that.

I was too busy staring at Erza. She was so beautiful, and I really cared for her, and I was wondering how she would react to what I plan to do.

"Jellal? What are you doing?" She asked me as I blushed. I focused on what was going on, and realized we were alone.

"Uh, nothing. Where is everyone?" She gave a questioning look and said, "They're hiding; we started the game."

"Oh. What do we do again?" She gave me a disapproving look. "Jellal, what happened? I thought you were more focused than this."

I shrugged and she sighed. "Here. You need to wear this," she gave me a watermelon balloon that I was supposed wear as a hat.

"And you'll need this." She handed me a thick wooden stick. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Wendy is at the other side of the beach, holding the watermelon. The objective is to eliminate the other teams by hitting their watermelon balloons, or reach Wendy first without getting your balloon popped."

"Okay. So I use the stick to hit people's balloons." She nodded her head and I looked around. I saw a poorly covered Natsu and Lucy hiding in the crowd.

Their balloons were a dead giveaway so I spotted them immediately. I put my balloon on my head and nudged Erza.

"Hm?" She turned to me. "Hey, I see Natsu and Lucy over there," I pointed as I whispered. "I'll take Natsu, you take Lucy?"

She smirked, and nodded. Kami, her smirk was so kawaii! We quietly walked up behind them and aimed our sticks at their balloons.

Natsu must've smelt us coming because he turned around and used his magic. "Fire Dragon: Roar!"

I used Meteor to quickly pick up Erza, and bring us to safety. I turned to her. "Let me guess, Mira said magic was permitted?"

"Ya. Sorry for forgetting to mention that." I scanned the area for Natsu and Lucy; looks like they got away. "I don't see Natsu or Lucy. Let's try to find the others."

Erza agreed and we headed towards the other side of the beach.


I was sittin with Shrimp behind some sand dunes when I smelt some one coming our way. "Hey Shrimp. We got company."

She puffed her cheeks out and huffed. "My name, is Levy! Le-vy. Try it." I could hear the people coming closer. "Quiet, Shrimp, they'll hear you."

She stayed quiet, but I could tell she was upset. When the people got closer, I could tell it was Gray and Juvia. I readied my stick to break it over Gray's head.

I told Levy to get ready and I told her to attack Juvia. She didn't say anything, but I assumed she agreed. We executed a sneak attack.

We jumped from behind the dune and aimed for their balloons. I was able to hit Gray's balloon and Levy hit Juvia's.

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