Chapter 8: Just FRIENDS.

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(3rd Person's Pov)
"I don't get it? How are shadowhunters any different from anyone else?" Clary asked.

"Because we protect humans." Isabelle answered.

"Exactly you PROTECT them. Wow guys. You rock. Keep up the good work." Clary sarcastically said.

"Calm down. They also took Rosie and if I knew anything about her, when we get there they will BOTH definitely still be alive." Jace assured her.

"When we get there?" Clary complained. "We need to go NOW!" Clary bursts. She starts walking out the door, alone.

"Clary you don't even know where they are!" Jace pointed out.

"And I'll find it myself if I have to." She yelled back determined.

"Clary you're going to get you AND Simon killed." That definitely stops Clary.

She starts to walking back, "Then why don't you help me then?"

"Those were Camille's outfits, right?" Alec clarifies.

"That's why they'll be located in Hotel DuMort."

"Then let's go."

"Wait. We need a Clave resolution for this." Alec cuts in.

"Oh come on Alec... Kidnapping a mundane is already bad, but kidnapping a mundie AND a shadowhunter, that's a big no-no." Jace argues. "Once we get back The Clave will give us lecture, but they'll be glad we did it."

"We're gonna need weapons." Isabelle points out.

"Leave that to me." Jace responds.


"I love being the distraction." Isabelle raved.

"Well I hate it." Alec complained.

Isabelle just shook her head with a smirk.

"So what's going on between you and Rosie? You were gone for a while back in The City of Bones." Izzy teased.

"WHA- NO. Nothing. Nothing is going on between me and her. We're jus- we're just FRIENDS." He denied a little too quickly.

"Really? I haven't seen you associate yourself with another girl since... well, since never. Let alone be 'friends' with them." Isabelle pointed out. "It's okay to have some feelings Alec, you don't always have to be so freakin' repressed all the time."

"Okay Izzy... This is not the place nor the time to do this." Alec growls.

"I don't know. It's been pretty smooth so far." Izzy puts out, "This looks like the right door." She opens the door to reveal......

"Rosie?" Alec questioned as she took her dagger out of the last vampire in there, to where there's nothing but orange ash floating around the room.

Rosie turns her head around to see a surprised Alec, but a smirking Izzy.

"What took you guys so long?" Rosie asked like nothing had just happened. "I could of been out of here hours ago if I wasn't for waiting for you guys to come." She added as she walked out the door.

"Remind me to never get you mad." Izzy said.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. It's Simon I'm worried about. Speaking of Simon, where's Clary? And speaking of Clary, where's Jace?" Rosie asked.

"Getting Simon." Izzy answered.

"Then what are we doing?"

"Distracting!" Isabelle exclaimed as she opened another door, but to then revealing even more vampires.

"Then let's distract." Rosie announced as she threw her first dagger.

(Rosie's Pov)

"What? Are you gonna shoot your little girlfriend here?" The vampire teased Alec.

I'm am currently in an unusual situation. Let me explain.... When we finished our "distracting" me, Izzy, and Alec ran into a different room to find Jace being tackled by vampires and Clary being felt up by one. Isabelle went to help Jace and I stepped up to go help Clary, but it looks like I now need some help myself.

"She is very beautiful." The vampire that was holding a knife in front on my neck said while his crusty-ass lips rested on my face. He wasn't exactly kissing me, so his disgusting saliva was just getting up all on my cheek. Gross.

Alec had his bow ready, but he couldn't shoot without the risk of hitting me. Every movement the vampire made Alec mimicked with his arrow.

"But I can't help but wonder..." I tried to break out of his reach when he said this, but he was just too strong. "I can't help but wonder, what she taste like?" He made his way towards my neck and I could hear the hiss of his fangs coming out.

"Not today bitch!" I grit between my teeth. I bite his hand- ironic isn't it? that was holding the knife. Then I grabbed the knife he dropped and stabbed his leg. I land with a grunt as he immediately dropped me onto the ground. I have no other protection, but my body to block myself as his fangs near.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER." I hear a voice say and I moved away my arm that was blocking me to see nothing, but particles. Clary had her seraph blade, in the spot where he was before. Finally. YASS GIRL! WORK. #SoProud #YouGOGURL

"I killed him." Clary aspirates.

"Well technically he was already dead." I correct as Alec helps me up and I give him a small "thanks."

"You were so AWESOME Clary. You're getting to be more like your mother everyday." I smile at her as she blushes.

"She's right." Izzy adds in.

"You did good." Jace finishes.

"Thanks, but it's not about me. WE HAVE to find Simon."

"Are you okay?" Alec asked as he examines my body for anything.

"Yes." I answer confidently. "Well except now, I have all this shit on my face, but other than that i'll survive."

"Yeah, you're fine." He responded with an eye roll.

I know in the show Alec saves Clary, but I thought I would change it. Because he just shot an arrow a hole in a solid cement wall. That just doesn't make sense. (|_-,-_|)

Also just to be clear, this story isn't, by all means, not going to be like the show. I mean, the events are still kind of the same, but I added in my own flair, along with a couple twists and turns. So things aren't going to be exactly how it is on TV. Some things are gonna change. They might be small changes, but they might be significant changes. So just a little heads up.

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