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A quick authors note,some of you guys might notice that Yamino Fujioka will have some similarities with my other oc Kaminari Gin, but I like to right about characters with more of a darker personality , but in the future when I right more books I'll mix up their personalities.

Name: Yamino Fujioka
Description: messy short black hair, crimson eyes,pale skin, strong build, height-6'3


Personality- Usually considered the loner by others, rebellious, bad boy attitude, can be cold at first until he gets to know you, extremely smart, a musical genius, sarcastic,isn't provoked easily unless under extreme circumstance, and above all lazy.

Blood type:AB

Rose color: Black

Host type:The bad boy type, and is considered the Dark prince by the host club members, and the whole female population.

Sexuality: bisexual(he prefers both female and male.)

Friends: The host club, Umehito Nekozawa, Ritsu Kasanoda, Renege(when she's not fangirling.).

Enemy's: the news paper club, fangirls(he understands how scary those things are.)

Past: ever since Yamino was little he was always bullied by others because of his strange eye color, and his personality. At first the bullying was only verbally but as it escalated into physical Yamino started to develop a temper (that could easily rival that of Satsuki from Uta no prince-sama.) when the bullying did become physical the bullies would usually end up in the hospital, and he would only have a couple of scratches.

His and Haruhi's father thought that it would be a good idea for him to take martial arts classes in order for him to deal with both his inhuman strength, and let off some of his stress without (brutally) hurting someone. As the bullies soon figured out they wouldn't win against him they soon stopped, but since everyone was afraid of him which soon earned him the reputation as a loner.

Likes: sleeping,music, sakura viewing,stormy whether sweets(has a huge sweet tooth.) reading,small animals, lazing about, fighting, and his family.

Dislikes: anything sour, hot whether, fangirls, rude people, people bullying others,and putting to much effort into something.

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