Shaolin Monk

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I was sitting in class mindlessly staring trough the window, the day was hot and the people in classroom were melting. I removed the hair from my face and my eyes were quickly locked on to the Shaolin Monks training outside. Scanning through the crowded similar looking warriors I noticed the really cute guy completly focused on his training, everyone knew that face, it was Liu Kang soon to be earth's champion in Mortal Kombat tournament. The school bell rang and I quickly pushed my things into a back pack and ran down the hallways wanting to catch the Shaolin Monks training up close.
The training section was enormous but even from there Liu Kang was easy to spot, he always stood out no matter what he did and he always intrigued me. I never had the courage to approach him even to say hi, we all basically more or less knew each other as he trained close to my school. Not long after the training was over and the place was starting to clear up while my eyes were looking for Liu Kang, suddenly i spotted him in the crowd and made quick eye contact. The time stopped, my heart skipped a beat and I almost fell backwards, he smiled and waved at me, at that point I lost control over my body and actually fell. His face quickly turned from his usual kind smile to a worried frown and he ran towards me. "Are you ok?" he said as he knealed down gently taking my hand into his. My face burned red and I got goosebumps from his touch. Looking down I quietly said "He he he, yeah I guess. I-I really don't know what happened." Quickly I pulled my hand out of his and scratched the back of my head nervously."You are weird, you know that?" he laughed kindly. "How about we head for lunch, I'm starving" he took me by the hand again and pulled me up. "Sure!" I said barely containing my excitement.

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