Part 2

978 32 11

His presence made my happy,  his lively personality drew attention of the town's folk who would often stand starstruck by the sight of him,  yet his attention wasn't focused on them.  I felt honored to be his center of attention at that moment. The streets were full, I was barely able to breathe as for a moment I've lost the sight of him I panicked, our of nowhere I felt him taking my hand in as we continued walked around trying to find a place to eat "Just so you don't get lost." he said winking at me. Finding no place particularly interesting while  making comments about everything being crowded, it soon struck me that he might have changed his mind and was bored of me, his expression shifted to a nervous smile  he looked at me exclaiming "I don't really like the crowd,  do you want to come to my place to eat?".  For a couple of seconds I stared like an idiot processing what he had just said exited.  "I'm sorry,  I just uh you know if you don't want to it's ok..." he begun babbling nervously.  That made me burst into laughter whilst trying not to embarrass him as he could've taken my laughing as making fun of his nervousness.  He was too sweet for words.  I agreed and soon we found ourselves in a traditionaly Chinese house beautifully decorated combat weapons  some being quite old with also the touch of somewhat modern things of his personal liking. I sat at the dining area watching him prepare tea as well as sorting out the ingredients he intended to use for the dish he was about to make. Concentrated on food yet not neglecting me he out of the blue asked "Have you ever done martial arts?", that confused me for a bit making me remember being a kid with parents unable to afford me a martial arts school  as my clan was pretty much dying out since the last mortal kombat tournament.  "Unfortunately no,  I am meant to support my family one day, they cannot deal with my training financially." I said looking down remembering the hardships of trying to understand why for the first time in couple of generations an oldest child of the family couldn't be sent to a prestigious martial arts school and lost the reputation thus loosing the opportunity to have a person from the clan being able to train with Shaolin monks. For the first time he looked deadly serious, I knew how much mortal kombat meant to him, "Do you wish to train with me? It would be a shame not to appear in mortal kombat tournament that happens once in your lifetime.".  My face lit up as I quietly said yes holding back tears of joy as he would make my dreams of becoming a fighter come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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