#Chapter 16: Dreams

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"No matter how gifted you are... You alone, can't change the world".


Outside the Sushi Restaurant...
Aoi went after him. "Come one. I was just trying to talk to you", Aoi grabbed his hands. Haru turned to face her. His bangs are covering his face. Aoi tip-toed and fixed the scattered hair. "You're a good swimmer, Haruka-san. You beaten Rin-san last prefecture. That's why I didnt understand why you stopped in the middle of the game", Aoi asked. "I dont swim because there are scouts watching or because there are expectations from me", Haru gently removed Aoi's grip. "I swim for my love for water and for my friends", Haru explained. Rin suddenly entered the picture and pinned Haru on the wall. "Haru! What were you thinking? I kept myself silenced. You're wasting your opportunity. Dont you have dreams?", Rin growled. Haru slammed the vending machine beside him. "Dreams! Dreams?! That's all you thought of. Unlike you... I dont have any of those!!!", Haru forcely pushed Rin away. "Silenced? It's because we are the same. You're not also sure of what you want", Haru passed through Aoi. The dark blue haired man disappeares from their sight. Rin rubbed his nape and sighed. "I wasnt able to hold myself back then", Rin stretched his hands. "But he's right... You always talked about people's dream and their goals. How about you? What are you trying to achieve?", Rin looked at Aoi. The girl averted her stares. "I'll own a butterfly sanctuary!!", Aoi stuck out her tongue. Rin was caught dumbfounded. "I was wrong when I said I was following my Dad's dream. I will follow my dreams, Kizutani", Rin had determined eyes. Aoi nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Good for you. I'll be cheering for you", Aoi assured. They entered the sushi house once more and saw the others having competition of who can eat the spiciest sushi. Rin was able to beat all of them.

Samezuka Academy.
Rin gathered his team in front of their dorm. "Train well and condition yourselves. We will have a week to have our break. Use that to take a good rest. The next time we meet. It will be at the national stage", Rin announced. Rin dismissed them all. His eyes caught a glimpse of a brown haired girl standing at the gate. He went to check her out. "What do you need?", Rin toweres over the girl. "I'm here to ask for apology. If it's Aoi. She might just hug me back. I targetted people close to her because hurting her directly is impossible...so I want to...", Isumu cleared her throat. "Ask for your help", Isumi bowed. Rin twitched his tongue. "Where do you want to start?", Rin asked. "With her parents", Isumi gulped.

Kizutani Residence...
"Rin!!!", Mika opened the door and was about to hug Rin when she saw Isumi. "You're Isumi, right?", Mika said in a serious tone. She opened the door and invited them inside.
Isumi and Rin are at the living room. "Aoi havent yet came back since that day we fetched her from the police station", Reishin informed while Mika served the tea. Isumi knelt down and bowed low. "I'm really really sorry.... But I will take full responsibility of what I've done. I wont be expecting you to forgive me that fast but as what Aoi taught me. I have to be persistent", Isumi sincerly apologized. Mika ans Reishin looked at each other. "We already forgave you", Mika smiled and patted her shoulders. Isumi raised her head and was shocked. "As long as you know where you went wrong", Reishin gave her a thumbs up. "Go drag her back to where she belongs", Reishin gave a slight smile.

Rin and Isumi went out. "Hmmm.. I wonder why Mika-san and Reishin-san are very fond of you", Isumi hummed. "Im the first friend that Kizutani invited in their home", Rin explained. "Is that so?", Isumi make face. "Are you in love with Aoi?", Isumi straightly asked. Rin tripped over a stone and lost his balance. "What are you saying?", Rin cleared his throat. "You're too obvious", Isumi teased. "I'm not. Im just returning favors to her. She's done a lot to my friends and myself", Rin explained. "She's kind to everyone isnt she? That only means there's no one special for her. Take that opportunity", Isumi elbowed Rin. "Stop saying that", Rin flushed. "Dont worry. I'll be your number one fan", Isumi smirked. "I'll be apologizing to Kei-san. I'll go alone. I'll be going to Aoi's school and explain everything. See you again, Rin-san. Thank you for accompanying me, Rin-san. Be sure to tell her your feelings", Isumi waved her hands and went running away. Rin sighed and looked at his phone. There's a message from Rai. "Congratulations for advancing to Nationals". Rin replied. "Thank you. It was such a waste you werent there to watch". Rin heard a chuckle and looked behind. He was shocked to see Aoi reading his messages. "You were watching the whole time?", Rin asked with his heart pounding. "Of course, I cant let that girl leave my sight even for a minute", Aoi pouted. "Why dont you tell her directly what's one your mind?", Rin asked. "Let her do it. I also learned the hard way. She's in her road to that", Aoi smiled. Aoi walked in front of Rin. "Kizutani", Rin called out. "I'm going to tell you something...when I returned back from Australia", Rin's word made Aoi stopped walking. "Uhm", Aoi turned back and smiled.

Aoi walked in front of Rin and they ended in front of Samezuka Academy. "It'll be a week break. Have fun", Aoi turned and face Rin. "How about you? What are you planning to do?", Rin asked. "I was also contemplating about what Haru-san said. About dreams and the like... I already found what I want", Aoi smilee brightly. Rin's mouth slightly opened, amazed that a girl's can make his heart beat faster. "See you then", Aoi waved her hands. She walked further until Rin can no longer see her.

That ends this chapter...

Good evening readers.

I just made some recreation of the story's plot.

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