Chapter 5:Faint

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Ender's P.O.V

I can't believe it,my mate left me.I mean I never meant to be rude to her but when our skin made contact it made my mind clear.She was my beloved.I have to have her and mate with her before somebody else takes her away from me.I swear to hell that I will be the one to take her innocence.And when somebody else takes that away from me all hell will break lose.

I ran after her and I found her outside the airport trying to find a taxi.A taxi took place infront her frail perfectly toned body.I tried to call my mate but that was a stupid decision because she quickly jumped into the damn car.

I called the guards and yelled at them to stop the car but it was too late I just lost her,the only one I could ever love.My beloved.

But it never stopped me from sensing the trouble.The driver his scent is the same as my uncle's.The dark chocolate scent mixed with vanilla citrus.It can't be.My beloved is in trouble.*SHIT*

I need to find her before he takes her as his.And makes her queen of the vampyrinth empire.With him being a rouge,he will savagely rape her and will not take mercy on fucking her.This can't be.I need to keep her safe.I will not let that uncle of mine's take what is to be mine.She's mine.And the whole Kingdom is and will always be mine.He may be a duke but screw him.I'm the king and I will take everything away from him even his empire.

I let the werewolve's take care of it as I try to plan for an escape for my future wife.

This won't be easy.But if this fails,it would be sore for both me and her.She would be punished by her lover because of my future actions but it would also be hard to find out that she would be under someone else's control.

She's mine forever.

Lexter's P.O.V

I can't believe it..I found my mate...It's not my fault,I just can't control myself anymore.With her being near me,I feel heat.But somehow I felt guilty for my actions,I didn't mean to rape her,hurt her and most importantly keep her away from her family.

I knew what I heard yesterday..And the connection between my niece and her.He wants her as his new toy...A toy he could play and break whenever he wants to,without even giving a single shit about it.I know him well,but he could try if he wants to,even though she's already my mate and my duchess.

She's what's keeping me sane and calm...Even though being around her makes me wild and vile.The only thing I could think of is taking her to bed.Which is pretty ironic because she already is.

I promised her I would take her back to her family but it was far from the truth.I won't let her get away from me.She is to be mine's and she will just have to accept it.This might be hard for her to find out that I'm duke of vampyrinth...A rouge feared by many...A savage to other empires and also a murderer to the human kind.But I won't take a risk yet of telling her,I might loose her love,The only thing I've been wanting all my life.

The wind blew cold and ruthless against nearby trees giving no mercy to nature.A lightning struck in the middle of the fields creating wild fire.Thunder claps made it loud and clear what the king has intended to happen in my empire.He knew I have what is almost to become his.And I knew this day would come.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a groan from the bed or rather what's on the bed.I came back inside out from the storm dashing from the window and close the door leading to the balcony.I then pulled the curtains to the side of the bed and pulled it back where it was before.

She was looking at me with narrowed eyes as she continued rubbing it with her hands.I slid my hand under hers and gave it a peck.

"Who are you???",her first question startled me.Of course she still doesn't know who I am as I never told her what my name is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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