Chapter 1-catch up

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Jays POV

I'm so happy to be back home.

It's been about 4 months since the tour, and I still really miss it.

A lot has changed, in so little time

All the guys and I live in California now. Shawn and I are singing and writing a lot of songs together. I sing with him at his concerts sometimes, but I'm just mostly in the shadows.

I'm getting a lot of acting offers, and from that I've gotten a lot of new "friends"

Oh! Speaking of friends, last night I went to the Justin Bieber concert and when I met him he knew who I was


At concert

"Alright guys I'm sorry but that's it for the night, but all you that have a M&G pass I'll be exited to see all of you." Justin says to the crowd.

The entire crowd immediately the crowd erupts with screams.


The boys and I are just standing and talking backstage, when I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

I turn around and look up and make eye contact with the one and only Justin Bieber.

"I love you so much!" We both say in sync and hug each other tight.

When we pull apart Justin speaks, "oh my gosh I love you so much Jay, your vines with your brother, and these other guys are hilarious, and you have a beautiful voice."

"Aww thanks," I blush

"I've actually wanted to reach out to you, but I've told by my managers I couldn't, something about 'not collaborating with people who aren't on your level'"

I actually get hurt by him saying that, I'm "not on his level," but I guess he reads my face because he comes back with something that makes me feel better.

"But you super talented and I think I can make you really big, if you want it."

"Of course," I say exited.

"Alright, I'll start working on it," he says winking and then goes to meet other fans.


Justin and I are currently trying to get his managers to let me collaborate with him.

I've also started getting really close with Nate, and all I can say is that no one likes it.

Everyone tells me Nate is "changing me." but whatever, I don't give a shit.

All the boys are basically my other brothers.

Other than the Omaha boys Cameron and I have a very strong brother-sisterly bond, I basically let him anything, more than Jack I think.

If I'm gonna listen to anyone it would be him, I take some of my Omaha boys opinions into consideration, but all the rest of the boys I don't care what they have to say about Nate.

But one thing I really care about is the fans, they say I'm becoming a slut, I remember one comment on my insta.

It was a picture of me and Nate,  it was late at night and we had at hands together in "prayer position".

A person commented "I liked Jay Gilinsky, but she's starting to change, I really hate her now, she starting to become a hoe smh."

That really hit me.

I never realized how bad the comments started to get until I saw that.

But yeah fuck them haters, at least that's what I tell people when they ask if I care.

But yeah that's it.


Ok SOOOOO sorry for the really short chapter but I kinda made it a "catch up chapter" hence the name

Next chapter will definitely b longer, and action will actually happen

Updates will b like the last story, one every two weeks, just bc of school.

So hi!!!!

A lots changed since I last wrote.

I currently live in Ohio, but I'm probably gonna move to New York this summer (summer 2016)

If you love in New York by New Rochelle, then comment or message me, PLEASE!

Ok that's it


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