Coffee Break

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Scott POV

I sat in the coffee shop waiting for him to get here tapping nervously as the waitress came up and asked me if I wanted to order anything. I told her I was waiting on someone right as he walked in and sat down. The waitress nodded and walked off giving him time to choose, he looked a little uncomfortable and unsure of what to talk about so I decided to say something, breaking the awkward silence. " So, what do you like to do?", he looked a little distracted when I started talking. I gave him a questioning look waiting for his answer. Quickly he answered when I noticed him staring "I like to read." I looked a little surprised but I hid it well, I spoke again. "That's quite a surprise I didn't think anybody picked up a good book anymore." I laughed. "What's so funny about it?" He said a little angry. I just simply looked at him and laughed more, he shot me a questionable glance, anger still etched on his face. I stopped briefly, but I then surprised myself. "It's just unique and I think it's kinda cute." He stared in disbelief at what I had just said, he looked a little unsure of what to say and what looked like him blushing out of frustration. I was a little confused as to why he looked so riled up and I feeling unsure of the situation, he just looked at me and turned his head away quickly trying to hide the blush I had already seen. He still looked a little unsure of what to say, and thats when he said "Gracias Leo, su muy lindo" "I didn't know you spoke Spanish!", I said while snickering at his bashfulness. "Enough!" He said shaking with anger, "why do you have to tease me so much?!" " I've barely even meet you and I've already had enough of your teasing for today!" He yelled running out of the coffee shop ending our little "date". I was left standing in the coffee shoppe befuddled at why he had gotten so angry over something so simple. I guess I shouldn't get too friendly with him yet, guess I'll go talk to Kathy about it, while he cools his head.

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