Season 1 Episode 1

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Going to a new school is harder then you think but it is easy to get kicked out of one. You see I was never good at staying in schools but it is not that bad because my family moves around a lot anyway because we are monster hunters. This year we are moving to Beacon Hills.

Time skip

At school Allison and I were waiting outside for someone to bring us to class. During this time mom decides to call us again to make sure we are ready for school to which Allison replies that she forgot her pen. I would give her a pen but you can't wright with riptide and I don't have another .

Then someone came up to us saying "Sorry to keep you two waiting."

To which I replied "It's okay."

"So you were saying San Francisco is where you grow up?"

Allison said "No, but we lived there for a year."

(I couldn't hear what else they said.)

"Well I hope Beacon Hills is your last stop for a while."

Stepping into the class the man said "Class these are our new students Allison and Perseus Argent-"

"Call me Percy."

"Make them feel welcome."

Allison and I sat beside each other and the guy in front of Allison handed her a pen. That was weird how did he know she needed a pen?

Time skip

A girl came up to us at the end of the day came up to us saying "That jacket is absolutely killer. Where did you get it?"

To which Allison responds with "Our mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Fransisco."

"And you are my new best friend."

"What about me?" I say in mock disbelief.

She looks at me with curiosity. Then a guy comes up to her. "Hey Jackson." And the two start kissing.

When they break apart the girl says that her name is Lydia and that there is a party that Friday. And my sister smarty responds with "We can't it's family night this Friday."

"Yeah we are playing Call of Duty, and I don't want to miss that."

The guy says "You sure everyone is going after the scrimmage?"

"You mean like football?"

"Footballs a joke here. The sport here is   lacrosse. We've won state championship for the past three years."

"All because of a certain team captain."

"We practice in a few minutes that is if you don't have anywhere else to go. We also have spare equipment for you to use."

"We would be honored."

Time skip

After getting the necessary equipment we ran out to the field. We all lined up ready to take a shot on person in net. I looked to the stands and saw my sister looking hopelessly in love with the guy in net. When the whistle blew the guy in net dropped his stick and covered his ears. Either he has sensitive hearing or he could be a werewolf but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

When the first person in line through the ball it hit the kid in the head making him fall down. Everyone laughed, wow what a bunch of jerks. After that every ball thrown he caught.

When it was my turn Jackson cut in front of me, he ran and everyone was holding their breath, he shot and everything slowed down the guy in net went for the ball and caught it. Some people were on there feet cheering.

Water HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora