You're Better Than The Ocean

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Together they walked into town to Alister's house and Kevin thought it was quite quaint since he was simply the town's healer. They walked inside and Evan and Manny were there as usual, Evan right behind Alister and watching him work. "You're late." Alister chuckled from his potions table, turning to meet Alix. He saw someone with him and lifted an eyebrow before gesturing with his hand. "Who's that?"

Kevin lifted his hand and waved a bit and Alix smiled. "This is Kevin. New friend I made." Everyone waved and greeted him back and Alix introduced the three of them individually before handing Alister the bag of his findings. "Sorry there isn't much. Bad day for wash ups I guess." Alix saw Kevin make a face out of the corner of his eye and smiled.

"It's alright. It happens. Thank you though. When are you going to need more Elixirs?" He asked, handing Manny the bag so he and Evan could organize the shells into jars.

"I should be good until about mid next week, so if you're busy don't stress on it." Alix replied, picking up a bottle on the table and watching the liquid shimmer. Alister looked up again and saw Kevin's bandages, raising an eyebrow again.

"What happened to your legs? Why are they all bandaged?" He asked moving a bit closer to check on the bandage job.

"Oh...I was out swimming off Alix's coast. I cut my legs on some rocks..." He replied with a bit of quiet hesitation at not being sure how to answer. "Alix fixed me up, though."

"Looks like he did a good job. Be careful swimming out there. Fisherman flock there during the season, so they leave a lot of lines and hooks if you're out further. Plus the rocks are sharp in a few places, as you've noticed." Alister chuckled.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Kevin laughed. He said his reply in a way that seemed as though he was agreeing to the rocks, but Alix could tell he was really referring to the fishing line comment and chuckled again.

"We'll probably get out of your way. I need to pick some things up while I'm in town here, so we'll see you later."

Everyone waved the pair off and they went towards the market. They bought food and some supplies and Alix decided he'd cook for Kevin so he'd have new things to eat as opposed to the sea fruits he was used to. Kevin helped him carry everything back home and Alix made dinner not long after. As night fell, Alix worked on the sleeping arrangement, laying an extra blanket and pillow out on the couch for him. He kept the windows open so Kevin could listen to the wave's crash along the beach while he slept.

His legs took about two weeks to heal and in that time, Alix let him stay with him. They looked for shells together every day and Kevin would point out to Alix what kind of creatures had lived in them as well as their personalities. Alix continued to be fascinated by not only his knowledge, but Kevin on his own. In the early mornings, they would get up and search for tide pools and the small creatures that resided in them. One day, they found a starfish and Kevin carefully lifted it out of the water, holding the small animal in his hands as it clung to his skin and attempted to crawl along his arms. "I like starfish. They tend to be friendly...see?" He reached out and placed the creature on Alix's shoulder, grinning as it clung to him and slowly crawled down his arm. His smile was huge and Kevin laughed at his happiness, enjoying every moment of teaching him about his home. He carefully picked it back up and placed it back in the water, taking Alix's hand that he had outstretched to help him stand.

"If starfish are your favorite, what's your least favorite?" Alix asked, picking up their bags.

"Sharks." Kevin answered quickly, not even needing a moment to think. "They aren't necessarily mean to us. But they have tendency to confuse us with seals....they can't really tell the difference and I've seen a few people get...eaten..." He murmured, trailing off a bit at the end.

"Oh. I'm sorry..." He replied quietly, not really sure what else to say.

"It's alright...shit happens. I'm still here and that's what matters I guess." He looked back up at Alix and smiled.

"That it is. I'm glad you're here. And I hope it's not too fucked up for me to say..." He started, scratching his head a bit awkwardly. "...but I'm kind of happy I found you on the beach. I'm really glad I met you...."

Kevin laughed a bit, but stopped walking. Alix stopped too and turned back to look at him, wondering why he stopped. "...I'm glad you found me....I don't think I would have wanted anyone else to...."

The pair stayed still, kind of looking at each other for a moment but not speaking. They simply stood, each fascinated by the other for a few short moments. A stray sunbeam moved between them and a wave washed up on the beach and it was almost as if the ocean was telling them something. The breeze blew their hair and as a small crab crawled across Kevin's feet, he laughed and bent down to pick it up, talking to it as he moved it to the tide pool it seemed to be aiming for. Alix stayed watching him and as he performed the simple action, he could feel something different, a warm feeling in his chest and a nagging feeling in the back of his head. Kevin looked back up at him, seeing him frozen with a deeper red in his eyes. Quickly, Alix shook it off and waved him over as they continued walking down the beach. That night before bed, Alix checked his legs again, carefully taking off the bandages and looking over the healing wounds. "I think you can leave these off now, if you'd like. They should be fully healed in a few days, however I think they did scar." Kevin kind of looked at them, trying to picture in his head how the scars would look on his tail. "You also most likely can swim you'd be able to leave if you want...." Alix's voice had gotten quieter, internally afraid that he would leave and not really wanting him to. As he realized just how badly he did want him to stay, he felt his heart stop momentarily.

Kevin thought for a second, thinking about all the time he had spent with Alix and all the things they had done together. He wasn't lonely anymore, he realized, and also realized that he greatly did enjoy the man's company altogether. "...I don't want to leave yet...." He murmured quietly. "...I miss the sea and my tail....but I don't want to miss you...." He looked up at him and smiled a bit, watching Alix smile as well.

"Well I'm glad I can compare to the ocean...." He whispered, standing slowly and balling up the bandages in his hands. Kevin watched him move, seeing the new shade in his eyes again and pondering it momentarily before yawning. Alix laughed a bit. "It's late. Go to sleep." He ordered, lifting his chin to motion towards his pillow on the couch. Kevin nodded and laid down, pulling his blanket up to his neck and pushing his arm under the pillow.

"Night Alix..." He murmured sleepily as he heard him opening the windows to let in the sounds of the crashing waves.

"Goodnight." He replied as he slowly walked past him and back to his room.


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