Suddenly: Breathing.

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The next day, they started swimming together and would continue at least a few days a week for a while. Kevin did as he said he would and didn't use his tail, making sure Alix was able to keep up with him. It took him a while to get used to swimming with legs instead of his tail, but he managed, still preferring the speed of his native form however. Alix soon learned that even in his human form he could still breathe underwater and talk, which he found fascinating as well and Kevin would make fun of him for needing to go up for air.

The pair had long since forgotten the fear when they had first met, the fact that Alix had heard Kevin sing. In fact, no one had even thought about it in passing until one day when they were out further swimming. The sun was warm and the waves were nice and large that day, so after a bit of swimming Kevin had climbed onto a rock to watch them pass by while Alix continued his underwater adventures. He was humming to himself and to the starfish stuck on his rock as well as keeping track of when and where his partner came up for air.

At one point Alix went down low close to the floor, looking at the coral and stones for a moment before going back up topside for air. As he started to swim back up, he quickly realized that something had attached to his ankle and wouldn't let him go. He struggled to try and pull free but soon realized it wasn't working and that he was only succeeding in tangling himself more and more until the heavy duty fishing net he got stuck in was wrapped around his body and keeping him tied down. A small sea turtle happened to swim by and as Alix saw it, he struggled to make a panicked cry to get the creatures attention. The turtle recognized him from seeing him hanging around Kevin and quickly swam back over to him. Alix lifted his head to try and convey for the turtle to find Kevin on the surface. It thankfully understood and hurriedly swam up while Alix tried his hardest to hold his breath for as long as possible.

The small turtle broke and quickly got Kevin's attention, informing him of what was happening in the water below. The moment he figured out that Alix was in danger, he jumped off the rock and smoothly dove back into the water, the sudden memory that he had sung to Alix three months ago suddenly eating away at the back of his mind. As he reached the bottom and saw his partner tied up in the net, he felt his heart start to hammer faster in chest. "Alix!" Very quickly Kevin grabbed the thick rope and tried to pull, but it was too thick and his force simply caused the rope to dig into his skin in a few places, causing him pain. "Alix, I'm going to figure this out, I promise!" He swam back to his head and realized very quickly that Alix was very nearly out of air and there wasn't but one way to save him. "No, Alix, no! I knew I shouldn't have sang to you!" Kevin knew what he could do, but didn't necessarily want to do it. However he soon didn't have another choice. Alix's eyes fell closed and his mouth opened, letting out a stream of bubbles as he lost the air he was holding. Before he could inhale, Kevin kicked forward and covered his mouth and nose with a hand. His eyes opened again, but they were tired and painfully begging Kevin for mercy. "I'm sorry. But this is the only's why I didn't want to kiss you...." Alix managed to look slightly confused before Kevin carefully moved his hands to the sides of his face and leaned down, pressing his lips carefully to Alix's. After a second, he pulled back and let go. Alix inhaled gratefully, but quickly realized what he had done, moving the hand he had trapped under his body to his throat. He expected to quickly start choking, but at the realization that he didn't he started to freak out, almost screaming and attempting to flail his limbs. "Calm down! Please!" Kevin begged, holding out his hands. Alix realized that his legs felt odd, looking down and seeing that he no longer had legs, only a shiny, scaly red tail. At the sight, he started freaking out even more and Kevin sighed deeper in distress. "You're going to hurt yourself, Alix! Stop!" He took a deep, shuddering breath, trying not to start panicking again at the feeling of inhaling water and swallowing hard. "Are you good?" Kevin asked, needing a confirmation.

Alix nodded and let out a weak and broken "Yeah..." before swallowing again.

" need to stay calm. You're going to hurt yourself if you don't and you need to stay still if you want help. You'll startle him if you move too fast." Kevin murmured, smirking a bit at the odd look that Alix gave him. Kevin opened his mouth and let out a careful selection of high notes. In a few moments, a large octopus started making its way towards them. Alix froze in fear, but Kevin moved a hand into his hair to try and keep him calm and still. A sound came out of the creature that somehow Alix could now make out as words here and there and Kevin nodded, moving aside for him to move closer to his partner. Very carefully the octopus started grabbing at the ropes binding Alix, sliding its tentacles between the cord and his body and using its suckers to tear the ropes. In a few minutes it pulled them off and looked back at Kevin. He nodded and sang a few more notes in thanks and the octopus reached out, pressing a few suckers to his face and gently popping them off. He laughed and it swam off, leaving the pair of them alone. 

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