chapter 7

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emily loved everything about living on alison's estate.

It was a beautiful piece of land that left emily breathless every time she looked out of her window. However, the lack of familiarity left emily clueless as to what to do when she was alone.

And she was very alone.

At least until alison got home from working in the city.

It was a luxurious feeling. emily was able to wake up when she wanted to, do nothing, and not have to worry about scrounging up money to pay bills. However at this point, emily had become bored out of her mind by the time she finished lunch.

Naturally as a cure to her dull schedule, emily decided to embrace her nosiness by exploring the home to her heart's content. emily also hoped that with her wandering, she'd stop thinking fluidly about the way alison felt against her, inside of her.

A couple of days had passed since their first session of play and emily still felt tingly and sore on her backside from the activities. The sensitivity of her body had decreased, finally allowing her to produce more controlled desires than the ones that plagued her thoughts days before. Although, she was still working on containing the lust she felt every time alison looked at her that way.

Of course, alison made sure to look at her that way, every chance she got.

alison's work schedule had gotten unusually busy, and forced her to cut their interactions short. It left emily with minimum contact and she could only count two times she had actually seen alison.

Both times they shared short words, and small smiles.

It was more than a little unusual to live with someone, belong to them intimately, yet remain completely unattached. emily couldn't find a time in her life when she'd considered this type of relationship, and as she let the warm water drip out of the golden shower head onto her face, she tried to understand the emotional detachment that alison seemed to have, for the thousandth time.

She couldn't.

emily honestly had no clue what could have brought this insanely beautiful, caring woman to the place that she was in. Maybe she just had trouble introducing people to her lifestyle? emily could definitely see many women rejecting her sexual desires.

Not to mention her special physique.

While emily fantasized about how beautiful alison was, she could only imagine how many women had turned alison away because they simply couldn't appreciate how uniLue she was. emily knew there were women out there who were cruel enough to call alison names and accuse her of being abnormal.

alison was anything but.

She was the complete embodiment of grace. She was was the definition of beauty. Sensual with every touch and word, alison enticed emily more every single day.

It made emily flush with embarrassment.

Finally leaving the bathroom, emily moved around her room while drying her brown locks by towel. Running her fingers through her unusually long hair, emily heard a ringing in the distance.

After a moment of confusion, she realized it was her cell phone.


emily rushed to the device, having an epiphany that she had been an hour away from her home and family for three days without any contact.

There was bound to be total chaos regarding her friends. They loved her so much that they couldn't function more than five minutes without knowing if she was okay.

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