Chapter 5

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Theo's P.O.V

The pack doctor, Diane, look terrified as I stormed in, my mate snuggled in my arms like a new born child struggling for breath.

Before I got the chance to growl she rushed towards me and took my beautiful mate laying her on a bed before getting started on her vitals.

As she began to lift her sleeve to place an IV in her arm she gasped nearly dropping the needle for all up my princesses arms were scars after scars, bruises littering the little skin between each redraw devilish mark.

I broke down.

I sat in the corner like a child sobbing as I felt every moment of my mates pain.

I wanted to comfort her, to be there for her but the reality was I hadn't been there when she needed me and that... That destroyed me.

As if they had heard my heart break my parents rushed in only to be taken aback when they saw what had been revealed to me only moments ago.

Tears sprung to my mother's eyes but she pushed them back.

"Son? Come here, it'll be okay"

She murmured as she embraced me, I had never seen my mum look so upset, so worried. I look back at my dad who under his breath muttered

"We're going to kill the son of a bitch who dare to put a hand on my son's mate. "


I stood by her bedside for days, according to Diane, she was starving to death and had failed to eat in weeks.

My god, my poor mate was just breaking my heart, she was sweet and perfect yet so damaged it was destructive just to watch. Her laboured breathing was slowly getting better despite her critical state.

I informed her pack and let them know I was taking care of her for now and that I would return her in due time.

Out of nowhere she began to whimper and moan, tears pouring down her face. A scream escaped her small innocent lips and instinctive I walked towards her, my heart going out to my beloved mate.

I hopped in bed beside here embracing her and holding her in my arms that had longed for her touch. Her breathing hitched before she finally relaxed and my touch began to sooth her.

Then her body tensed as she opened her eyes and let out a ferocious growl.




I waited on the kitchen floor, hit after hit as he attacked me. He said nothing this time only starting to unbuckle his belt a malicious smile on his face as he stared through me into my soul.

I felt myself stop breathing, terrified I longed to cry out. But it was as if I couldn't move, I was watching through my eyes but I had no control over my body.

I was helpless, defenceless, damaged... destroyed.


I woke up to the slight scent of gingerbread, reminding me slightly of the few times at Christmas I was allowed to come down and eat it, obviously after the pack had eaten some themselves.

Unconsciously I smiled and took another deep breath inhaling the smell of such a beautiful thing.

I hadn't noticed till now that the exact smell I was embracing was coming from someone, a person, who seemed to be hugging me.

A fearful yelp escaped my chapped lips, as I panicked unsure of the person behind me and the torrent of tingles that he was sending through my spine.

He placed a soothing hand on my shoulder, which I growled at, fighting him off.

But this wasn't the only thing that had caught my attention.

'Beep... Beep... Beep'

I looked up and instead of my normal empty room, I was faced with a beeping monitor and flowers in a pristine white room.

Where was I?

The person behind me snuggled deeper into my neck, obviously feeling my discomfort and worry. Out of nowhere he mumbled

"You're in the hospital, love. Calm down it's going to be okay. You're alright."

His voice was like an angels and instantly slowed my heart beat as I relaxed without intending to. Rapidly, I put my guard back up, unsure of how he had taken it down so swiftly.

I whipped my head backwards to see who this magically soothing person was only to come face to face once again with Theo.

He was looking at me a Wolf-ish smile spread upon his face, with a slight hint of worry but also relief. I couldn't help but grin back only to realise what I had done and pushed my emotions back down.

He looked disappointed but quickly masked this also. As he lifted his arm, I flinched bringing my arms around my head out of instinct, the fear of being hit enveloping me.

He looked hurt before clasping me in his arms, pulling me to his chest and murmuring louder this time,

"Shhh my beautiful mate, I could never lay a hand on you."

Although this did calm me, the lack of trust could still be seen as my entire body was still tense inside of his warm, loving embrace.

Before I could say anything a high pitched squeal - that had me hiding in his perfectly toned chest- emanated from the door.

He chuckled slightly, just as he had the day I first met him and watched on in slight amusement as a beautiful middle aged woman continued to make her way towards us, jumping up and down and clapping in excitement like a toddler.

Despite my fear, the sight of a grown woman acting in such a way did bring a slight chuckle out of me.

In my new found humour and safety my eyes grew heavy. Despite the noises that surrounded me, I drifted off into my unconsciousness once again, this time with nothing haunting me.


I can't believe I have 76 reads already!!! Keep voting guys, and let me know I'm comments what u want me to write about. Who's your favourite point of view?

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