17. Let's Do This

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You walk past men in blue warrior outfits as you got closer to the gem.

"How come this place it full of guards, guarding the gem and at the Ice Village, there were none?" you mention.

"That's because the Gem of Ice warn us about those four men coming. But sadly, it sacrificed its own village to save the rest," Mayor Lightning says.

That must of been why Nadia thanked me, you think.

"So, you're saying that the Gem of Ice sent a warning to everyone but the people in the Ice Village," Nya says.

"Yeah, its a shame, though," Mayor Lighting frowns. You look to your left and right to see Sophie and Kayla frown and you see worry in their eyes. You haven't seen them like this, unless something is really wrong.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"I have never seen the mayor frown before," Sophie says.

"I guess that means something is seriously wrong," Kayla says.

"Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on him," Sensei Wu says to comfort them.

"Thanks," they both say. You wrap your arms around their shoulders and gently smile.

"Everything is going to be A-OK," you say. They smile and hug you. You didn't see this, but Jay nudges Lloyd.

"That should be you and (y/n)," Jay whispers then chuckles.

"Oh yeah? I don't see you and Nya doing that," Lloyd smiles and Jay frowns.

"Burn," Kai says.

"OK, everyone! Here is the Gem of Lightning," says Mayor Lightning with a smile. You all gasp in amazement. You see it, a blue lighting bolt shaped gem isolated in a blue room, floating on a stand with a blue light shining from the stand. You smile.

"I'm glad we know where it is," Misako says.

"So pretty," Nya says.

"And blue," Cole finishes.

"So, who volunteers to protect it?" Mayor Lightning sighs. You feel tension in the room, so you think of something.

"I volunteer as tribute," you joke as you do the Hunger Games and whistle the song. Everyone starts to laugh, especially Mayor Lightning.

"That is a good one!" Zane exclaims.

"Too good!" Sophie and Kayla say. You feel proud of yourself. You feel the tension disappear. You smile and laugh at your own joke.

"(Y/n), oh my, you are very good at filling the room with laughter and joy," Mayor Lightning says. You beam at what he says. You look over to Lloyd, who is wiping a tear from his face as he straights up.

"My stomach is sore," he smiles.

"Yes, oh and Misako and I have decided to protect the Gem of Lightning," Sensei Wu says and Misako nods.

"Well, are you two going to be OK?" you ask.

"Yes, we will be," Misako says. You nod your head.

"OK," you say. You hear a loud grumble.

"Oh my go- was that you again, (y/n)?!" Sophie exclaims.

"Um...yes," you reply as you bite your bottom lip and look away. Kayla face-palms and Sophie clasps her hands over her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Well, you, your friends and the Ninja should get something to eat!" Mayor Lightning gestures to the door.

"Yes please!" you say. You all walk out of the room and turn right. As you walk down the hall, something colourful catches your right eye. You furrow your eyebrows and stop walking. You turn your head to the wall to see a bright poster. You see 'Battle of the Bands' in big bold letters at the top and underneath, you see to blue electric guitars form a cross. You also see grey people in the background, dancing.

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