The Cryo-Genesis

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"Primordia: The Origin"

-The Genesis: First there was glimmering of lights. The lights were known as Lojlsar. Each light sat at a corner and its brillinace ever-so burst through the darkness of the primordial void.

-Genesis: Second was a glimmering of light, centered atop the great square, with such magnificence that it respectfully illuminated 3 other lights beneath it. This light was to be Vojlsar yet its illumination was Vojlsar.

-Genesis: Third was a massive explosion that sent omnipotent beams of light to each point connecting them in a semi-sentient order; "The Order of Heirarchy": Post-force Gemini for the true Gemini twin denied the Darrkhan.

-The Omnipotent Exodus: the beams of connecting lights were simply an illumination of force energy as it formed an elongated trined prism. This prism was the axis for which all manner of essence would be taken and the innocence of existence would be consumated to bring forth Life.

-The Omnipotent Exodus: The Trined Prism that sat singular was accompanied by another, that formed amongst the top lights, and sat as a hat mounted on a head.

-Omnipotent Exodus: The 2 Trined Prisms, that began as a square, crossed force which formed an eye in the direct center and this eye opened. "The Order of Heirs"

-The Order fell in cadence with one another and upon the eye opening was Anubir, Timoty, Quintinium, Tybierias, Raikonnen, Khan'eingha, Aaikini, Darrkhan & Urthanon .

-Omnipotent Exodus: With the order being identified as a presence of force & energy, came the exodus and each being of sentience departed from the Epicenter of Creation.

CHAPTER 1: "Ordained Pantheon"
-Lojlsar was of height in presence as Vojlsar was everything else.

-Lojlsar was the foolish mancer of aether who despised his very duality, known as Vojlsar but Vojlsar denied his hatred and his hatred was not!

-Vojlsar was never adversary to his duality yet his duality sought greater vengeance and pretentiousness.

-Anubir, the Tri-Duality matched that of sight for he was creation and destruction; THE DUALITY

-Anubir is the Absolute and mate of Aakini, Timoty is the Mountain King of Authority and exalted of creation, Quintinium is the Magnum Force and Holder of the Infinity, Tybieras is the Khan of Fortune and Trader of Sciences, Darkhan is father of the Dual Essence, Kha'neingha is Temptress of Sands and The Damned Mother, Aakini is Mother of Order and Judgement, Urthanon is Undisputed Overlord of The War Matrixes and Unthroned King of the Celestial Authority.

Anubir, Lord of Primordia, took oath as benevolent king that will reign above those of natural primordia and keep them in sanction of their placement as the original beings of primordia. He gave presence to his first, Timoty, and followed with subjective station under the pantheon of now, King, Timoty. Anubir gave his last order, bestowing upon Timoty "The Pure Life Essences" and then ascended back to Primordia where the Age of Innocence began......

The Illumination was the peak premiere of the ascended beings taking order in presence to those creatures who roamed the material fabrics of the future tenses. The creatures reigned at the beginning and through the dark centuries.

In the beginning of the times, during the dark centuries of The Age of Innocence, were a species of beings created as the primordial first. They were known as The Drakindred (Drakon Kindred). The fires of life, Anubir, forged these creatures from wisdom and strength whilst tempering their very souls with power and knowledge. His knowledge was parted to all of primordia inwhich primordia became aware. The lands referred to as Zhāngguāng were considered the ethereal gardens. These lands were given to the Drakindred and as Anubir felt completeness, he sought more and stood to create a legion of figures that unknowingly would be carted throughout history. This testament to his fellow drakindred was considered prideless which caused confusion between them and Anubir himself. A great war broke out and it would be known as The War of Zhāngguāng.

The War of Zhāngguāng led to a fortune of treasure that would be long lost within the centuries of the Man Period. This very treasure would turn the tides of war into what one would call right and wrong, good and evil, or balance and unbalance. The Drakindred were of dominance, prestige, glamour, and royalty but the Zhāngguāng would open the very existence of what was truth in the coming and it held this treasure so dearly that the treasure was released. This treasure was what would later be known as LIGHT!
A sentient being of truth that was released with an army so deadly, the known world would crumble at the very battle formations of this massive beast. This sentient being was named as Guāng and his army were The Zhàomíng for the wave of this army brought Feeling, Emotion, and New Knowledge which slaughtered the very plateau of greatness the once Drakindred held with their knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence of rule. The cold beginning of creation was insistant on a formula that proceeded that of its living wreckoning. Its awareness shed light upon nothingness that was an engulfing void and opened The Equinox of Creation.

This formula bred forth 13 primordial species known as The Meridor, Askuli, Behemorians, Arnemadi, 2'Nkido, Aturi, Hassessian, and The Kruhasi as primary lineage. Forged by the fires of creation, the energies of living, and the coldness of the void; deeply filling the vessels which are later named hearts. Following behind is the creation of space, time, and continuum with the courting of life, death, and immortality. A kindred of power that far begged dominance as other things were created and reign supreme over Primordia (the living space)! Time was measured and driven into oblivion until one of the supreme courted with the 3 brothers and resided with free-will and desolation of opression furthermore deafening his ears to "the supreme way" and blinding his sight.
Anubir erected a force stronger than his supreme underlings inwhich those whom followed the free-will path became known as The Magicstic Knights. Material form combined with free-thinking and will birthed an opposition to those "supreme-ways" and characterized a mold for what there was to become and form. These Magicstic Knights bore armour of prescious metal and a weaponry that carried catastrophic awakenings for a war was to come and these warriors were to be the defenders.
The Magicstic Knights lay in formation awaiting life to be breathed into their very existence but nothing came. Anubir removed the empty vessels from their stations and left them in captive silence as time continued to unfold. A being birthed from Anubir and Primordia herself was named Chronicle and from that instance forward, ALL things before and those that were to come lay in the brow of this being. Anubir mounted his time and made the last effort as he would descend into what was the Gaeas state, a living state of being similar to what mortality is as a living being, and begin the Realm of Spirtua as the Age of Innocense begins to take place. Year 00 has ended and Year 01 begins.....

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