2. What's Her Name

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Sunshine shone through the windows at SM High, blinding the tomboyish girl who had been looking out at the courtyard below momentarily. Just as the black haired girl was recovering from the sudden burst of sunlight a ruler was slammed onto her desk.
Jumping, she quickly looked up at her math teacher. "Ms. Liu! Do pay more attention in the future," her teacher said strutting back towards his desk. Amber looked around the room to find that class had already ended, and that she had been sitting there for the past five minutes.  The thought Geez, I'm gonna miss part of my lunch! Was the only thing running through her mind as she stuffed her books in her bag, and rushed out of the classroom successfully knocking into someone. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm late for lunch! I'm so sorry," Amber said quickly while picking up the books she made the other person drop. "Just watch where you're going next time." The girl said, dropping to her knees and picking up the papers that had slipped out of her book. Amber nodded, and looked up to meet the girl's eyes as she handed her the pile of books.
Oh ! It's Jessica Jung's little sister!
Amber was quick to notice the long dark hair, and facial features of Jessica Jung's little sister. Jessica was a senior, and she was captain of the cheer team. She was called Hellsica by her fellow cheerleaders, because of her high standards for the team, and her habit to yell at her fellow cheer members for making mistakes. Even though she was very attractive, boys tended to just admire from afar, afraid of having their heart broken by the eldest of the Jung family. Jessica's little sister was a freshman, while Amber was a sophomore. Her little sister was known to be cold towards others, and if someone preceded to make her angry, or annoyed she shot them the Jung death glare. "Yah! Stop staring at me," Amber quickly tore her gaze from the girl's face. Taking the books from Amber, the girl brushed past her and walked away.

Talk about rude.. She didn't even say thank you! Oh ! Lunch! Amber picked up her bag that she dropped in the collision and began to sprint through the halls, down three flights of stairs to SM High's lunchroom. The tomboy arrived to see waves of students exiting from the lunchroom just as the bell rang to signal the start of the next period. Groaning inwardly, she turned around and began to head back towards the stairs to head to her next class on an empty stomach.

A week from the incident, Amber found herself thinking more about that girl. The only thing preventing her from trying to befriend the girl was the fact that she knew next nothing about her. Last name? Check. Siblings? Check. Grade? Check.

First name?


Amber would see her in the hallways, but that was the only time she would see her. She could always just ask a freshman... But she didn't know any. Even though SM High was a relatively small high school of 600 students, the grades were very separated. This meant that there were no shared classes, and lunchtimes, so the hallway was pretty much no man's land.

A light bulb went off in Amber's head as she sat on her bed, that was currently covered with red bedsheets, working on solving her 5x5 Rubik's cube. Dropping her Rubik's cube on her pillow as she sat up she reached towards her end table and grabbed her phone.

To: Drama Keyeen
From: Llama

Psssst.... Keyyyyyy

From: Drama Keyeen
To: Llama

Psssssst.... WHAT? .-.

To: Drama Keyeen
From: Llama

You know Jessica Jung? Captain of cheer team?

To: Llama
From: Drama Keyeen

Of course I do. Who doesn't? What about her?

To: Drama Keyeen
From: Llama

What's her sister's name? Just curious.

To: Llama
From: Drama Keyeen

Her name is Krystal... How do you not know that Am?

Krystal Jung....

Name? Check.

Now all that was left was to began to court her. Unable to hide her excitement, Amber jumped up from her bed and did a little happy dance while grinning madly. "I got her name! I got her name," Amber sang as she jumped up and down on her bed.
"Amber Josephine Liu! If you don't wake up right now I'm taking your keys away!!" Mama Liu yelled as she pounded on Amber's locked door. Groaning, Amber slowly sat up, cursing whoever came up with the idea of school starting at 7:30 in the morning.  Seven o' clock... Seven... WAIT IT'S SEVEN?! ! Amber jumped up and began picking out clothes from her dresser, throwing the rest of the clothes onto the wooden floor of her bedroom. "No...Definitely not! Good enough." Amber mumbled as she picked through her clothes finally picking out a pair of black joggers, and a white v-neck t-shirt. She sprinted out of her room in a frenzy, pushing the bathroom door open and grabbing her toothbrush and the toothpaste.

Slipping on her black air Jordan's, the black haired llama sprinted upstairs remembering to grab her lucky black LA SnapBack, and placed it on her small head backwards. "Bye Mom!" Amber shouted in Mandarin as she slipped out the front door of her house. Krystal Jung, here I come. God I sound so dumb right now.... But Amber couldn't help but let out a huge toothy grin, eye smile and all, as she thought of the beautiful freshman. (AN: Or should I say... Beautiful Stranger? *BA DOOM CHHH*)

"Sorry I'm late seonsangnim," Amber said quickly bowing, and rushing towards her seat in the back of the math class. While the teacher droned on and on about Quadratics, Amber couldn't help but smile again at the thought of finally confronting Krystal. She would confront her after math class ended. And as if someone had heard her wish, the bell rung. Shoving her books back into her backpack, she slipped past her fellow classmates exiting her classroom. Now what? Ugh, I should've thought this through! After 5 minutes of sitting on the floor outside of her math class, Amber began to regret not just trying to talk to her the few times she'd seen her in the hallway. Taking off her hat, and slamming her head against the locker behind her, she let out a heavy sigh.

After ten minutes, the tomboy picked up her backpack that she had placed against the locker beside her, and stood up.

"What're doing here Amber?"

"Yah! What the hell?" About said jumping in surprise and turning around to face the owner of the voice, only to be met with none other than Krystal Jung. The girl that she had waited for. She did a double check, quickly pinching herself and letting out a quiet 'Ow!'. Seeing Amber's reaction, Krystal let out a chuckle at the dorkiness of the sophomore. A blush appeared on Amber's face as she said, "Wait, um how'd you know my name?"  Baby Jung smiled at her question before replying, "It's hard to not know the name of someone who's been looking at you for the past week, Amber." The blush on Amber's face spread to her neck, and turned her into a stuttering mess. "R-right. I guess you caught me," Amber said letting out an awkward chuckle. "Over this past week, I haven't been able to get you off my mind Krystal. But I would like to get to know you, and begin to court you if that's alright, o-of course." Amber said shyly, scratching the back of her neck in anticipation, waiting for The Little Ice Princess's response. After a long silence, Amber's darted from the floor to Krystal's eyes repeatedly. There was a reason she was called the little ice princess. Krystal took two steps forward, now Amber could feel hot Krystal's breath on her neck due to the close proximity. Reaching into Amber's pocket of her black joggers, Krystal pulled out Amber's phone quickly typed in her number. "Call me." Krystal said into Amber's ear leaning closer, as she slipped the tomboy's phone back into Amber's pants pocket. She smirked at her ability to render someone older than her speechless. "Bye Amber!" Krystal told her enthusiastically, and winking at Amber before walking past her.

I think.. I'm in heaven.

~Ending page~

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