15. Beautiful

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Krystal's POV
      "Soojung...." I could feel Amber's breath on my neck as she whispered into my ear, prodding my shoulder lightly. My eyes flew open, and I groaned in annoyance. As much as I love this idiot, sleep was the only thing that I needed right now. "Am...." I mocked her and turned around to face her. I slid my arms into the gaps between her slim waist and arms, and snuggled into her. "Just..... Shut up for a second. Sleep....Sleep is good." I muttered drowsily before closing my eyes and listening to her heart beat. It was beating faster than normal, and I fell asleep with a smug smile on my face knowing I was the cause of that.
I was sprawled across the charcoal couch in the living room listening to Odd Future. Being an idol, these moments were rare. As much as I loved my job, everyone needed a little me time."Krystal~~~ Yo. Krys. Kryssssssssss." Aish....This Llama! "Yah. What?" I pulled out one of my earphones by the wire, and gave her my signature death glare. Over time, she had gone from cowering away from my glare, to grinning like an idiot. Which was exactly what she was doing now. She grinned at me for a while before her smile faded, and her face began to show her serious side. "I'd appreciate if you took a look at this." She took the hand that wasn't holding my phone, and placed a silver flash drive into my palm. I tilted my head to read what was written on the white sticker that covered the metallic memory stick. The word 'DEMOS' was painted across the white label. Is this what I think it is...?  "It's for my solo album." She responded, making me question if she had the power to read minds or something, because she always seemed to know what was on mine.
I looked up into her dark brown orbs that were filled with unspoken emotions, threatening to spill from their hold. I could tell she felt uncertain and unsure. She had been given the go ahead from their company, but on the inside, I could tell she was filled with doubt.  Just like how she supported me when I began my career as an actress. It was my job to support her with her solo debut. "Of course I will. Hey, how about you go chill and when you come back I'll have gone through the demos?" I offered, standing and throwing my phone along with my earphones on the couch carelessly. Her face softened and she gave me a small smile and nodded, her blonde hair bouncing up and down. I rubbed my hands up and down her bare arms, silently trying to reassure her. "What are doing...?" She asked me smile evident in her voice. Without even meaning to, my hands had somehow found their way to her biceps and began to squeeze them. My hands dropped down to her waist, and I mentally scolded myself for letting my inner 'ber' out. "I've been hanging out with you way too much. Your iness is beginning to rub off on me!" I , giving her pink plump lips a quick kiss. "Yah. I'm totally innocent!" She pouted, her lower lip jutting out slightly.
My mouth widened as I listened to the sweet, gentle melody of the 'Beautiful' demo. Mind? Blown. On the silver USB was twenty different demos, all including PDF's of the lyrics. When she had time do this, I had no idea. Recently, she had been floating from schedule to schedule, but according to the time the documents were created, she had kept these for sometime. After listening to all twenty tracks, I was baffled. The company had told her that she should start out with just five tracks, but the theme was up to her. All twenty tracks had a special meaning to Amber, I could tell by the way she wrote. How she painted the picture for the listener made me even more proud than I already was of this girl. Anyone could relate to these songs, which was another thing I loved about her writing style. I let out a huge sigh that I felt I had been keeping in for a long time. This... Was going to be difficult.
"Baby~~" I heard Amber sing in the tone of our debut song. I grinned at her dorkiness, and sighed happily. "Am! Come here." I motioned for her to sit next to me on the couch. She hurriedly placed her black nickel board by the apartment door, and sat next to me, wrapping her arm around me. I leaned over, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay! I've picked five songs, but I honestly love all of them. Shake That Brass will get the crowd moving, Beautiful and Heights will get the crowd crying, and I Just Wanna and Love Run will get all the Liusers fan girling and fan boying."  I smiled at the five red highlighted tracks on the computer screen. I was proud with my handiwork. Being able to pick five tracks out of twenty was difficult. But they had all been chosen for specific reasons; Beautiful  told the story of how she got to where she was, and Heights had a similar morale. Shake That Brass was a clever euphemism, and it made me what to just get up and dance. And both Love Run and I Just Wanna were adorable love songs. "You. Are. Amazing." Between every word she kissed me on the lips, each time a little longer than before.
I smiled, watching the girl I considered to be the most beautiful, dancing and rapping to  a song she had written and composed herself. I could see the passion and happiness in those dark brown orbs that I had once seen filled with uncertainty. Every move she made screamed passion. Even though I was in New York with my sister, I was sure as hell still going to show her that I supported her, even though I was thousands of miles away. My smile widened seeing her dorky and adorable pose at the end of her last song. Once the video ended, I fished through my blankets in search of my phone. Having finally found it, I began to call 'The iest Llama Of Them All' to congratulate her.
"Hey Princess..." I heard her say, smile once again evident in her voice.

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