Chapter One

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Sophie's POV:

What happened to this world? How did it come to such a terrible end? This shouldn't of happened, should it?

I'm tracing my way through the woods, seeing rows and rows of trees in every direction around me. For the last two weeks it's all I've seen, I must be walking round in circles! Everything seems the same here. Well everything seems the same everywhere now, run down and biters crawling in every dark crevice seen visible to the naked eye.

I haven't eaten since the camp got over run almost two weeks ago. Waters fine, I mean I'm making sure I have a river or steam near me for a water supply. I still get flash backs from it though. Images of people I knew getting their flesh torn from their bones. Walkers faces right up against mine. I didn't think that it would haunt me this much!

It must be near eight o'clock now and the suns beginning to set. I don't dare to sleep on the ground, ever since I was young, back in England I lived most my days up in the trees.

Finally I stumble upon a tree that looks like it can hold my weight. These trees are completely different to the ones in England. Throwing my bag up, I attempt to get it caught on one of the branches but instead it crumbles back down to earth. Pain shoots in every direction through my shoulder. In the attack a knife slashed my shoulder but I just rubbed it off. I didn't want to think anything bad of it until it began to continuously brought me pain. Since I don't have a mirror I can't see how bad it is so it doesn't scare me that bad.  I've been through worse so this is just kind of like a paper cut to me.

Climbing up the tree, groans swirl their way in and out of the canopy. It's like listening to a thousand starving people. Glancing down to see how far I am off the ground, hoping to myself that this is high enough. Wrapping a piece of rope round my legs to keep me strapped to this tree. The noise of twigs snapping sharply pierces my ears. Not knowing what's making the twigs break, I quietly pull my knife out of its pouch.

Grumbles get closer and closer, now they're directly under me, slowly I glance down to see and old man with half of his shoulder missing, stumbling beneath me. Sharply I roll over onto my stomach and plung the knife into the soft rotting skull tissue of the biter. With no effort I pull it out and the biter collapses to the floor, making the tree shutter from the impact. It's painful to kill them but in reality they're not human anymore, just flesh eating creatures that have never been seen before.

The sun setting and everything getting darker and darker my eyes begin to shut as I fall into another unpleasant and uncomfortable sleep.

|| The next day ||

Waking up, light gleaming through the leave and scorching my eyes. Wiping my eyes they slowly adjust to the morning rays. Leaning forward I go to grab my rucksack, instantly realizing that it's fallen to the ground over night.

Peering down someone's figures just of to the corner of my eye looming, looking directly at my rucksack. Attempting not to make any noise I roll over but before I know it the figure catched on to where I am and is now walking straight towards my position but it's the posture of a biter.... Wait it's a person.... An actually human being.... Something that's actually alive!

Shakingly "Hello?" I wasn't one hundred percent sure if he was actually living. "Hi, I'm Rick... You are?" His voice isn't harsh, the sun fades out his entire appearance. "I'm Sophie Howel." I say quietly as I dismount from the stocky tree branch.

His figure fills out and he's got brown hair and must be in his mid forties. "Why are you out here alone?" His eyes trace me from head to toe, "My camp got over run by biter about two weeks ago... I've been walking round these woods for that time." I attempt not to go into full detail.

We stand there for a few seconds then it feels like weights have been dropped onto my shoulders and I plummet to the floor. Bolts of pain spirul up my spine making my hole body shudder. Clutching onto what was close, which is Rick's leg, I painfully pull myself back onto my feet.

"Are you okay?" Rick asks, wobbling on my feet he quickly grabs my waist and keeps me balanced. My head feels faint as my balance sways from side to side. "I th... think so..." My words slur as he looks me in the eyes. "You're coming back with me!" I look at him in shock, "I've got a camp about half a mile north east of here. It's safe and we have food and water, also a fence." His fingers find a bare patch of skin on the side of my stomach.

He slowly runs them along then suddenly moves them back onto my hoodie. My eyes shudder and all of a sudden my vision goes black and my mind goes black. I can still feel what's going on around me. Rick must of picked me up in a bride carry because I feel slightly weightless.


How was the first chapter? Just so people don't get their hopes up nothing happens between Sophie and Rick.... But you never know, something might happen....

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