Chapter Three

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Sophie's POV:

Was definitely not expecting that! Didn't even think that he would be riding a motorcycle! We're all sat down on the metal stools and tables spread around the seating area. You can see everyone's little groups, there's Rick, Carol, Glenn, Maggie and Daryl sitting at one table then everyone else spread apart. I don't know why but I've backed myself into one of the corners of the seating area. Knives and folks clash with metal bowls as people shovel the little food they each have into their mouths. "Aren't you going to eat?" A voice breaks the silent whispers. Looking up I see Daryl swivled on his seat looking straight at me. "I don't want to eat food that doesn't belong to me." Really I just don't feel like eating. Looking back down at my hoodie, my thumbs play with the mangled ropes.

My body shudders as someone places their hand on my knee. "Ya gotta eat! We can't hav ya starve." Daryl holds a metal bowl half filled with cold beans and rice. He drops the bowl by my foot but I push it away. "C'mon little lady! Ya gotta eat something." He looks me straight in the eye. Instantly the room goes silent and everyone's staring at the two of us. "Just leave her alone Daryl! If she don't want to eat she don't have to eat!" Rick's voice booms in every direction. Without hesitation Daryl gets up and storms out of the building into the darkness. "You want to go to your cell?" Rick slowly approaches me... I know that were taking camp in a prison but he could at least try not to make it sound like I've been put here for doing something wrong. "Maybe later..." Rick squints his eyes giving a confused look. "I need to..." I don't finish my sentence before walking out the building.

Walking out into the court yard area it's hard to see everything, all my eyes can see if outlines of objects. Squinting I can see Daryl's figure leaning up against the fence line. As I approach him, I'm prepared for him to turn round and slap me. I got warned by Rick earlier today that when Daryl gets pissed he isn't to mess with... Well I can only assume he's pissed now. Slowly I rest my hand on his shoulder. Considering he must be nearly 5'10 and I'm only 5'4 there's a bit of an height difference.

"I didn't mean to pissed you off by not eating." I tense my body as he turns round to face me. I'm scared about he's going to react from what everyone's been saying about him. "Why don't ya eat anything? You've been out there for weeks and ya refusing food!" His voice has a harsh tone to it. He looks me directly in the eye then places his hand on my shoulder. "You gotta eat something to keep ya going! Everyone's gotta do that to stay alive!" His voice fizzles out and he walks off into the darkness. My eyes follow his figure until you can't see him any longer.

Glancing over Rick's standing in the doorway into Block C. Slowly he makes his way towards me. He has a odd sort of look on his face. "What's wrong?" My voice shakes as I try and keep myself strong. "Nobody normal does that with Daryl, well they normal just let him walk off." I don't understand why he's so surprised, he's just a normal person. "And he his right the you need to eat something otherwise we don't want you starving to death and our food is your food." He craddles my hands in his. He looks me in the eye, turns on his feet and walks me back into the building.

Everyone's doing their own thing, so people have gone to shower, some to clean up after dinner and the rest either in their cells or still in the seating area. "Sit and have something to eat we've got to talk." He pushes my shoulders so I stumble onto one of the metal stools bolted to the floor. A bowl of dry beans and rice appears in front of me. Rick places himself next to me with his unfinished bowl of food. I look around us and everyone is slowly retreating to their cells but when they see me and Rick sitting down everyone leaves like they have been told to. Looking around Rick's face has quickly flushed red and I can see the sweat on his hands.

"I was talking to Daryl this morning when he first saw you and he said something he hasn't even heard him say before." He pauses. "He said that when you first talked to him he felt funny. Like he hadn't felt it before. I didn't want to alarm you but it isn't something bad, like he said it felt like he'd known you before." He catches his breath. I sit here taking in what he's just said and my heart begins to beat. I don't believe that he said that about me. He doesn't even know me. I've been so reserved since I arrived here no one could feel anything towards me. Rick's amazing and so welcoming with me and the weird thing is that he reminds me of my dad.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. There is going to be a time jump on the next chapter but I will put a reminder at the beginning so that everyone doesn't get confused.

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