Chapter Two

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Sophie's POV:

Unaware of where I am, something cold is in contact with my skin. Sitting up it feels like something stuck something in the cut on my shoulder. Slowly I attempt to sit and the small rays from the sun inpale my eyes. Looking around the walls a cold concrete and there's metal doors placed in every direction. "Dad she's awake!" A small young voice whale from somewhere where I can't see. Looking around there's a long corridor of to the corner with a metal door pulled across the entrance. Footsteps start to move round and muffled voices lift up into the ceiling. Shadows move onto the floor and making me jump out of my skin. "Someones woken up then! How's your shoulder feeling? You didn't say you had a massive gash on it!" His voice sounds the same nothing's seems to of changed. "Didn't think it was that bad, just thought I got it caught." My voice sounds different like I've been asleep for the last ten days. "It's fine now Hershel cleaned it out and has stitched it up so that'll heel soon." He crouches down to where I'm sitting up.

Out the corner of my eye I see a small face peer round the corner from the corridor. "So who's that handsome looking man over there then?" I giggle and point to the little person. "Come here Carl." Rick places his hand out to the little boy, "Carl this is Sophie, the girl I found out on the run." I place my hand out to shake the boys hand... Instead he just stands there and looks at me.

"This is my son." It shocks me as I scan his face then look at Rick's face. They've got similar features but I'm sure he resembles his mum more. Not noticing slowly more and more people have gathered in the room and are just staring and my skinny body. Looking around there's an old guy in overalls, a girl with blond hair, an Asian looking man, a pretty brown haired women but my eyes suddenly get drawn to what the blond haired girls holding. 'Is that a baby?" Attempting to get to my feet I clutch onto Rick's shoulder. "That's my daughter Judith, she's only a couple weeks old." Her little blue eyes scan me and her tiny hands clutch the hair of the young looking girl. "Is that the mother?" I wouldn't be surprised if that was Rick's girlfriend, he sure could pull something like that. "Very much not! The mother died in child birth..." Straight away the room goes quite and major awkwardness settles. Glancing down the little boys eyes fill with tears and he runs off into the gloomy corridor.

"Right then..." The silence still hovering round everyone. "This is Beth." He points to the young blond headed women. "This is Maggie." Pointing at the brown headed lady. "This is Glenn." Of course pointing towards the Asian one. "And this is Hershel... He's our doctor around here." He points out the old looking guy. I look at each and every one of them and say, "I'm Sophie, Rick's probably already told you that...." Rick sees the confused look on my face. "This isn't everyone Carol and T-Dog are on fence duty and Daryl... Well nobody really knows where he is, you'll see him soon enough." I don't know why but the name Daryl makes me wonder what he's like. That names never used in England but it's just so different.

Everyone leaves after Rick sat down with them and gave nearly everyone encluding me. Looking around I don't really know what to do here. Walking outside there's a massive grassed area and an court area were there are about three cars and a couple of trucks staggered in different points. Small figure walk up and down the perimeter fence line stabbing a few walkers in their heads every so often. Beth and Carl are mucking around in the field running after each other.

Placing my fingers through the chain, just stearing out into space. Am I lucky to find these people? The name Daryl is still stuck in the back of my mind. I'm wondering what he looks like, how he speaks and I know this is weird but what he smells like. It's crazy to think that with just one mention of a single name can make me go so mind crazy about it. "How's your shoulder." The old man named Hershel wonders over. "Feeling better thank you... You didn't need to stitch it up!" Nobody needed to go so far out just to pull to pieces of skin together. "It was pretty badly infected and wouldn't of healed by itself." It seems that he knows what he's talking about.

"You know, everyone here doesn't bite and plus Carol would love to see a new face round her, she hasn't seen anyone after she met us." I haven't even been here a day and they're already trying to get me to befriends with everyone... but I still want to know what's up with Daryl and who he is. "I'm not the type of person to go meet everyone in a single day... Sorry" He's looking me directly in the eye and turns the side of his mouth down.

After an hour and a half talking to Hershel, I'm walking down to the fence line with Rick strongly by my side. "Carol this is Sophie. I found her while I was out on the perimeter run." She instantly drops the metal pole clutched in her hand and swings her arms around me. "I'm so glad there's another girl here to talk to." All of a sudden a rumble erupts from woods and out drives a dark haired man on an extremely loud motorcycle.

"Sophie... I'd finally like to introduce you to Daryl... Since you've been dying to know who he is..." Ricks giggles the words out. I've spoken to Rick before about who he is and it probably sounds like I'm obsessed with him because apparently I nonstop talk about him.... but I'm just curious. Rick jokingly pushes my shoulder.


Finally met the man that Sophie's been obsessing over... Will he be up to her expectations or will he be the completely opposite? Who knows you'll just have to wait and see.

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