Part 4

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Gon's eyes fluttered open, he sat up looking around. Where was he? The sun seemed brighter and warmer than he was used to , the room he was in was small and smelt like the earth and consisted of only a bed that took up most of it, a small window with light shining through, and a dresser. There was a shy knock on the door to his room then " yes?" He asked sleepily. The voice that replied sounded half shocked and half excited. " Hi, awake already , your a lot stronger than I assumed. Umm, May I come in?" Gon agreed, mostly out of confusion and curiosity. Kairo ever so cautiously opened the door, peering inside. Gon looked up at him confused. " your the one who killed me right? Why..? Who are you? Shouldn't I bad dead?" His mind stormed with questions. Kairo smiled sadly, a look of sympathy crossed his face. " yes." He answered " sort of atleast.. My name is kairo and I'm a chimera ant." He sighed , waiting for Gons reaction, but Gon just remained quite, thinking. " your like us now.. " the ant added " I take you remember your life before, right?" Gons eyes widened suddenly in fear, he couldn't believe this, he wouldn't " I'm not an ant! " he insisted , tears in his eyes " Stop messing with me it's not funny! " Kairo sighed " I'm sorry to ask anything to much of you.. But I do hope you'll come to your senses soon.. It's safer for all of us, after all we can't afford to have any weak links around. Tenno gave her life to get you for us, I can only hope she knew what she was doing.. by the way... You won't be able to leave the nest yet, we've made a Nen Barrier around it keeping us in and hunters out, only few have the power to leave at this time, this way the hunters can't annihilate us all over again. I am sorry things turned out this way, you and that friend of yours seemed pretty close, I hate that I've torn you both apart.. Sorry " with that Kairo shut the door quitely , walking away from Gons room with silent footsteps, heart pounding. He hoped the royal guard hadn't over hurd him. Gon sat up in the bed, tears streaming down his face as he remembered the original kite and what had happened to him. He remembered how hard he'd fought the ants to save the other hunter only to fail..who would fight for him now? Would anyone? 

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