Chapter 5

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6:36 am

@camilasbananas : I know ur not up I just wanted to say I'm sorry

@camilasbananas : I hope u have a good day

@camilasbananas : I have to go to school now

@camilasbananas : bye

2:09 pm

@laurenjauregui : I'm sorry I didn't dm

@laurenjauregui : I was just thinking about some shit

@laurenjauregui : you're probably in a class rite now. I just wanted to tell u I'm sorry for getting all mad. U just kind of confused me

@laurenjauregui : first u said u wanted to you know...but then u said u had a boyfriend

@laurenjauregui : i know this sounds stupid but I kind of got jealous and confused that's y I didn't dm u

@laurenjauregui : I'm sorry

3:12 pm

@camilasbananas : sry i just saw this

@camilabananas : I'm also sorry that I confused u. I know I got a little carried away

@camilasbananas : I think ur really pretty and I shouldn't have acted the way I did since I have a bf

@camilasbananas : I'm sry I hope we can still be friends tho

@laurenjauregui : I think that might be hard for me

@camilasbananas : y I can make it easier. I'll do anything to keep u as a friend

@laurenjauregui : I think ur really hot but I can't cuz u got a loving boyfriend that's waiting

@camilasbananas : ik ik

@laurenjauregui : but I'll try for u

(Chat with Dinah)

3:28 pm

@laurenjauregui : u failed to mention that she has a boyfriend

@dinahjane : I did ?

@laurenjauregui : yeah just a little bit

@dinahjane : shit I'm sry dammit I'm rly sry wat happened ?

@laurenjauregui : I think I like her but that's wrong cuz she has Shawn

@dinahjane : I'm rly sry

@laurenjauregui : I will get over it

@laurenjauregui : but Camz fucking wants me to still talk to her but idk if I can do that without falling for her

@dinahjane : I can talk to her

@dinahjane : to tell u the truth. Shawn and her have been growing apart but they won't admit their relationship is falling apart

@laurenjauregui : rly?

@laurenjauregui : I shouldn't be happy about this but I kinda am. But i just want her to be happy

@dinahjane : aww that's so sweet

@dinahjane : well I'll keep u updated on her relationship with shitface

@laurenjauregui : u don't like him?

@dinahjane : no he's so annoying plus they don't spend a lot of time together. But when they do then it makes Mila feel like the happiest person ever and then they don't see eachother again for a while. Any way I have to start my homework I'll talk to u later

@laurenjauregui : oh

@dinahjane : yup

@laurenjauregui : okay bye

@dinahjane : I'll tell u if anything comes up bye

@laurenjauregui : thank you Dinah

@dinahjane : np

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