Tell about yourself

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Roc and Dayla are riding in his car. It was silence until roc started a conversation.

Roc: so Dayday tell me about yourself.

Dayla: so my name full name is Dayla Mackenzie Roman. I used to play basketball and soccer when I was younger.My birthday is April 14.I never met my dad because my mom said that he was dead.My mom abuses me everyday. I dont do anything wrong( starts to teer up).She calls me a slut and a hoe she almost let someone try to rape me.She call me a mistake.

Roc: *stops the car* You can stay over in the MB house if you want.You are always welcome there.

Dayla: Thank you. Well come on before someone crash into us.

Roc: *laughing* alright let's go

Dayla: now tell me about you

Roc: Well my real name Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August. I like to play football,dance and sing.Its a blessing to even be in a group famous.I dont remember my dad because he walked out on us cuz he said that me and my moms were to much handle. Then he would try to put hands on my mom like she was some kind of doll.Pretty much he was a pussy for doing that.He gone come back.

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