The Disease

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I lost myself in the midst of love, God, future, and adoration.

I prayed God would grant me serenity and the desires of my heart, but also paid Satan for what I knew God wouldn't.

I was in love deeper than lust, I was involved with my heart so much that I neglected my brain which continues to whisper "no".

I read the signs and formed the words my heart could not, for I was a lover fallen.

Angels fall, but they could never experience the pain as one who was in love.

Love, that powerful biased jerk of a feeling.

In its own regard, love was a weapon that always made like a parasite and locked itself in your chest cavity seeking to overthrow the mind and norms of life.

Love this secondary god that demanded satisfaction or death could either project intense euphoria, or depressing agony.

Charles Mays Jr.

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