ch. 1

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lynn's  p.o.v.

      I wake up to my wonderful alarm clock (note the sarcasm). I put it on snooze because I always have trouble getting out of bed. My name is lynn dillion, yes, I am ricky dillion's sister, adopted. I have dirty blonde hair, and blue/gray eyes.  My favorite color is black, and I like the color black because it is basically all the colors in one. I really am not happy with my life. I have a dark past but I don't like to speak about it. lets just say it has to do with my birth parents who died. I never even got to go to their funeral. However, throughout all of my tears something always seems to make me feel better. magcon, and youtubers. I absolutely love magcon (especially Jacob Sartorius). Some of my fav youtubers consist of my bro, connor franta, jennxpenn, Christopher oflyng, and dan and phil.

I guess I better get out of bed now. on my way of starting the shower I grab my clothes for school. the clothes are an American horror story shirt that says normal people scare me red skinny jeans, and white vans w/ a white jacket. I step into the shower letting the warm water soak me, and shampoo my hair.  

after rest of the shower.

"bye mom, by dad, bye-" ricky lives somewhere else now I keep forgetting even tho it has been forever ago. "love you!" I say to my adopted family grabbing my penny board,  and heading to school.

"look who it is nerd girl!" mandy, the most popular girl in school says. all her friends laugh, and walk over to me. " so bitch. sleep with any other guy for free this weekend." I shake my head 'no', "you don't have to talk to yourself mandy you look a little loony." then she fake crys and her boyfriend slaps me in the face, and I start tearing up, and walk into the bathroom to clean myself up. then the bell rings, darn, I am late for first period. I quickly fix my makeup and run to class. "late again, this has gotta stop what is it this time?" I sigh and come up with an excuse, "feminine problems." the teacher nods and gives me a detention slip. great.

after school + detention

i'm about to start riding my penny board home when a car horn honks, and I turn to see my brother. "ricky!" I yell,  and hug him quickly. "what's up little sister. I have a surprise for you but you will have to wait until after dinner." I nod and we get  in to his car, and I start blasting Daniel skye, rickysmiling, and laughing at me. "what?" I look at him confused he pretends like it was nothing, and goes back to driving. whatever, and I go back to singing.

dinner time

"how was your day at school today sweetie?" terrible I had detention, and I got slapped. "great!" I say and put on a believable smile. "ricky, what about my surprise!" he chuckles, and stands up. "okay if it is okay with you mom and dad I would like to take lynn here on tour with me and we will be joining magcon the peps thought it would be cool if some youtubers and viners went and I wanted to bring my sister along. the whole thing." my dad drops his fork. and my mom spits out all of her coke. "absolutely not!" they say, and ricky looks upset at me and my real! smile fades. I would have been able to meet magcon! "she is only 13, and that is a long time what about school, and you will need extra money that we just don't have." I run upstairs while they are still arguing, and cry. I post on twitter, 'I hate my life, why must the world go against me always.' ofcourse mandy is being mean,  and calling me dumb and all that crap. then I cry harder, and harder, and fall asleep....
I wake up to my brother shaking me. "What." I say rolling over and groaning. "Mom and dad said you could come on tour but only for a week." He says with a smile. I smile back. "When do we leave?"
"In 4 hours." I nod my head and he walks out pointing to my suitcase giving me a face that says 'you need to pack now.' I nod and he shuts the door. Then I squeal and fangirl for a little bit. I can't believe I am going to meet magcon, and jennxpenn, and everyone! Yay!
When I am done packing I have about 2 hours to kill. Ok. I grab my penny board and tell my parents I am going to Starbucks I know classic white girl. It takes about 5 minutes my penny board so I go there a lot.
Once I got there I ordered a chocolate chip frappe, and sat at my seat. Then 2 girls sat down across from me. "Hi!" They said to me in unison "hi?" I said back questioning why they were here. "We love your vines, YouTube videos, and musically so much, and your brother you guys are awesome!" They say making me blush. This is my first time meeting fans. "Hi what are your names?" I ask.
"I am Madison, and this is Hailey." They reply Hailey had brownish blondish hair that is right above her shoulders with hazel eyes, and she is taller than me but short, and looks about 19 (I'm short so.) Madison has blonde hair That falls to over her shoulders, and looks 15 with brown eyes. They are both very pretty. "Cool names in Lynn." They chuckle, " we know who you are!" Opps
"Oh yeah sorry." I laugh with them then I hear my name getting called to get my drink. "Let me have your numbers so we can hang out ok?" The nod and give me their numbers. Then I grab my penny board and skate home.
At home I go inside and see Ricky, " ready to go sis?" He asks me I nod and go upstairs to grab my stuff.
In the car I am listening to Cameron Dallas jack and jack Daniel Skye all them people's and even watch some YouTube videos. I end up getting in the plane popping a piece of gum in my mouth and do the Same thing. Until I fall asleep.

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