Chapter 1 - Fire

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I couldn't help but feel anxious as I made my way toward the crowded entrance of my middle school. For some reason I could feel it in the air that something about today was off. It was probably because I just came back from suspension, and the teachers might punish me with tests and overdo home work. 

"So how was your suspension?" Mike asked me. Mike was your average, scrawny eleven year old boy. He wore almost the same outfit every week and is considered a nerd. No one understood why I hung out with him. I guess I didn't even understand it myself.

"Same as always I guess."

"School has been a lot more peaceful without you around," he continued. He kept talking, but I ignored whatever he said. Anything he say was almost never important unless it was about school work. I always needed his help with that.

"Oh yeah, and did I mention that Jade is going out with Johnathan now?"

For some reason that caught me off guard. Mike seemed to notice it too. "So what of it?" I replied back. "None of my business anyway."

"Yeah but Johnathan was your boy," Mike continued, "I just thought that it's a little messed up that he's dating her. Especially when he knows how you feel."

"Shut up," I told him. "You know I don't like Jade. Just because her and I always fight doesn't mean others aren't allowed to date her. Anyway, she's usually the reason that I get suspended. I couldn't care less who goes out with her."

I wasn't trying to, but I knew that I hurt Mike feelings. Damn, what a softy. What did I have to hang out with him for? I did feel kind of bad though. "Hey, sorry I told you to shut up bro. I didn't mean it like that."

"It's ok," he replied back.

"Hey do you have the water balloons I told you to get?"

"Yeah," he replied back. "Don't you think that this is little immature?"

"That's why she won't see it coming?"

We were almost near the entrance of the school when I spotted her. Like always she was surrounded by her group of followers.

"Hey Jacky," she waved at me.

I stuck up my middle finger and kept on walking. Yeah that was the Jade Moon. Long black curly hair and bright emerald eyes. No wonder she was the prettiest girl in the school. I got sick of looking at her though. Okay maybe that was a lie. She changed every year, but I've known her since we were in preschool. She has always been annoying.

The cafeteria was the worst thing about this school if you asked me. The eighth graders thought they ruled the whole school. They got a whole section to themselves while we had to share the other half with the seventh graders. They were about as happy as we were about that. All because the eighth graders were going to high school next year and are going to be at the bottom of the food chain again, they want to take advantage of being on top while they still can.

I didn't care one bit. I had a permanent seat at the eighth grade table and they weren't going do anything about it.

"Hey Jack where do you think you're going?" I looked over to see who said that and wasn't surprised to see Eddy and his boys. "Hey didn't you hear me? Where do you think you're going?"

"Put a sock in it," I stuck up my middle finger at him.

Eddy was the perfect example of an eighth grader. He could never learn his lesson though. I already fought him once. That was the second week of school when he tried to stop me from sitting at an eighth grade table. I learned that upperclassmen hate to be outdone by lower class-men; especially by a sixth grader who was fresh out of elementary school.

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