Chapter 13 - Rage

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My body won't stop shaking.

        There she was. Her head was laying on my lap. I held her tightly and yelled her name hoping that this was all a bad dream.




        Tear drops from my eyes rolled off her face in a way that made her looked like she was crying. Like we both was crying.

        Honestly at this point I wanted her to cry. I wanted her to grasp my hand so tightly that it hurts. I wanted her tears to stain my shirt and her hair brushing against my cheeks. I wanted her cute little annoying voice to call out my name again.

        But there was nothing. I knew that I wouldn't be seeing those emerald eyes again.

"Well that takes care of that," Grande chuckled.

        It felt like I couldn't get mad anymore. No. It seemed like I was pass the point of mad that I give a slight chuckle to what ever idiotic thing Grande just spoke.

I carefully laid Jade head on the ground and stood up.

        "Oh, I guess you really are only just a child." Grande smiled and picked up his bloody sword.

        "To see someone totally devastated over a death brings me such joy."

        Without even snapping my fingers together, the gloves was now engulf in flames.

"So you still have some fight in you? Well I think I already seen enough. I'll let my men handle this."

Grande turned around to walk away.

        "Stop!" I commanded in a voice that I barely recognized as my own.

Grande kept on walking.

"Stop!" I yelled as my body move on its own and lunged at him.

His bandits intercepted my path.

        "Get out my way!" I shouted. A second later the ground below them opened up and swallowed them before closing.

        For some reason I was completely tired. It was taking so much effort for me to stand up now. I placed my hands on my knees and took a deep breath while the bandits was still confuse about what just happened.

"What was that!" the bandits panicked.

They stared at the ground probably wondering if it would open up again.

        Any other time I probably would've been asking myself that same question. But after everything I seen in the last few days I just figured that was the nature of this world.

Either way it didn't look like they was going in that spot.

Neither was I.

I rather take my chances with the bandits then get eaten up by the ground.

        I charged at one bandit knocking him unconscious. The other bandits realized what they was supposed to be doing and gathered around me.

        I managed to fight them off for about ten seconds before I was tossed to the ground right next to Jade.

        Jade. Seeing her lifeless body right beside me made my blood boil. I could feel myself blacking out now. I could see little black spots at the corner of my eyes.

        I started to rise. My body moved on it's own. I ran right through the bandits as if they weren't even there. Where was I running to? I didn't know. But my feet wouldn't stop moving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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