Chapter 11 - Gerald D. Grande!

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        "Get up!" said a voice, and then a slap followed right after ringing my ear drums.

        I quickly opened my eyes like I just woke up from a nightmare. Then again with the day I'm having any other twelve years old would see it as a nightmare.

The pain from my cheeks was nothing compare to the pain I felt around my wrist.

        It felt as if someone tied my arms up with barb wire. The more I struggled the worse pain there was.

I finally stopped a few seconds later when I figured out that the squirming was useless.

        Li'Poe, K'rhan, and the two other soldiers that got captured was sitting in a row next to me. Their bloody faces give a sigh of relieve when they seen me.

        Their arms and legs was tied up with a rusty wire that was cutting deep into their skins. It was probably the same wire that was holding me in place.

        Li'Poe motioned his head towards three bodies lying on the ground five feet in front of me. I almost had a heart attack when I seen the three dirty, bloody bodies piled on-top each other.

Judging from the uniform, they were probably one of the soldiers.

I felt a cold hand lift my chin up, seconds later I was face to face with the bandits leader.

        "Anger is so predictable," the bandit laughed as he squeezed my cheeks and moved my head back and forth.

        He stood up and slowly walked away while stomping his feet. "It was easy to predict that you will come to her rescue."

        Another bandit pushed Jade towards the leader. He caught her and brought her close to him.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything to her. She was unconscious until twenty minutes ago."

He must had seen the anger in my eyes.

"Seems like you lot don't know why we're called the Dung Beetles."

        I snapped my fingers three times and the gloves lit on fire. I stretched my hand as far as it would go behind my back so my shirt wouldn't catch fire. Now it was only a race if time between getting discovered, my back being boiled, me catching fire, or the one I'm hoping for; enough of the rusty wire melting so I could break free.

        "How did you managed to capture us? Li'Poe asked. He was probably trying to buy some time for me.

        The bandit leader laughed as if that was the funniest shit he heard all day. He laughed so hard that he shoved Jade to the floor without realizing.

        He then stopped and clear his throat. "See I knew you was going to come. So before you guys arrived I had some of my men outside waiting."

        What was he talking about? There was nobody outside at all. We made sure to check the area before we went into the cave. Then suddenly it hit me.

"You guys were hiding underground?" Li'Poe asked.

        A smile crept along the bandit face. "Exactly, and a few minutes after that I sent one scout in each passage. You guys took the bait by killing two of them. When they didn't return that's when I knew you guys had arrived. Of course then I sent word to the men outside to sneak in from behind while I sent some men your way."

        It seemed like they weren't just mindless thieves. The fact that they use our surprise attack against us means that these guys had a lot of experience.

        I shook my hand a little bit and broke free off the wire. I then snapped my fingers three times and the flames went off. I kept my hand behind my back and pretended it was still tied up. I needed to think of a plan to save everyone, especially Jade.

"Who are you?" Li'Poe asked clearly astonished.

"Former general of the Fluxe Kingdom, call me Gerald D. Grande!" he shouted in triumph.

Li'Poe and the rest of the alive soldiers had a surprised look on their face.

        "I heard stories about you," K'rhan said. "General Grande, commander of the Grande force. Five years ago you led a team of 500 soldiers in battle against a city of 5,000 soldiers. Not only did you demolish them, but you also only lost about 100 men."

        "Why would a man of your caliber choose to be a bandit? Your skills rival that of Zenal's five Royal Generals," Li'Poe added.

        Bandit Grande walked about a bit. Then took out his sword. "It got boring when the king died. The new king is a soft little boy who believes in peace and prosperity." He said it as if the words was new to him, like a baby learning to speak for the first time.

        I quickly scanned around. There was seven bandits by Grande side. And Jade remained quiet as she sat down on the floor staring at me. Her emerald green eyes said it all. She motioned her eyes towards some weapons on the wall.

        The bandit leader Grande ordered some bandits to go fetch something while he picked up Jade and pushed her. She let out a soft screech as her back hit the rocky column.

        At that moment I stood up and dashed towards Grande. I managed to hit him with a fiery right hook. He staggered backwards before falling to the floor. He let out an outraged yell.

        I quickly grabbed his sword and ran towards Li'Poe. I cut the wire of his arms and handed him the sword as I got ready to fight the now advancing bandits.

                        ***Author's Note***

Gerald is the first villian in this story. Well from Jack perspective he's probably the third, following Shadow and Clover. It gets more interesting from here on. Thanks to all of those who made it this far. I hope you'll continue. Also dont forget to comment and vote, all is welcome.

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