Part 16

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as yes the cookies me,zane and garroth were at my house "trying"to make cookies we ended up burning my kitchen as what a lovely day that was when i cried that i was going to get in trouble but zane and garroth were there to calm me down.

"oh yeah the day you cried because your mom was going to kill you for burning the kitchen Hahahaha"he. Said and laugh
"Uhh I hate that day so Much.Okay get to cooking garroth my wife"I say joking
"If we were together I would be the one telling you that"he said joking as well
"Oh so you do want to eat burned food for the rest of your life with you loving wife y/n ah then we can tell the kid how we fell in love over burned food what a romantic story to tell our future kids"I say as I keep it trying to act for really
Garroth just blow up with laughter he end up falling on the floor I joined him we ended up forgetting about the food and went to go buy some food after that we eat (favorite food)and talk,joke stuff after a long story of garroth's I fell a sleep.

Garroth's POV
As I tell my story to y/n I can feel her fall a sleep so I stop my story and pick her up and took her to bed me being nice I let her sleep in her own bed so I when to sleep on the sofa when I woke up I can smell eggs not burned eggs it smelled really good so I walk to the kitchen and see y/n making eggs and bacon so I wanted to get back the joke with wife thing
"Y/n that smells nice who is the wife now huh"I say with a smile
"Still you,your still the wife hehe..."she says

End of part 16 hope you like you tell me what you think so yeah bye

garroth x Zane x reader [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora