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Author's Note: Please, I would like some feedback.


Okay KansasAngel135 I'm curious, he thought moving the cursor over the link and clicking. His heart rate picked up slightly. Don't get too excited. Seconds later, the girl's message appeared. That was just last week.

Hey Jake, How are you? I was browsing around and came to your profile. I see we have quite a few things in common. You play the violin? That's cool. I'm sorta a musician myself – I pick up my oboe here and there.

About me I'm – I'm 24 with brownish red hair – well you could see that on my profile! Lol! I have a good since of humor. Jesus is the Lord of my life – nothing I can do without Him. Oh dear what a wonderful Savior – I love Him so much. I'll tell you more following your reply. I really look forward to hear from you asap.

Peace in Christ,


Cool, thought Jake sporting a big grin. Wait a minute she didn't mention about me being an amputee. Maybe she read over it. Let's see what this filly looks like. So he clicked on KansasAngel135's profile. There popped up her picture. He figured she was decidedly pretty, definitely a redhead. She didn't list which city in Kansas she resided. Good to be cautious in this world, especially in cyberland. He noted the things they had in common – music listening, and likes chess. Interesting, she has a catering business.

Jake decided he had nothing to lose so hit reply and started to type. He didn't want to get his hopes up though.


I'm surprised you wrote. Yeah, I'm doing well. How about yourself? Jesus sure is wonderful...I don't thank Him enough. Oh sometimes I just don't know what to say about myself. I work at a convenience store...I know, grand occupation. That's cool you make jewelry and have your own business. Anyway, I look forward hearing from you.

In Christ,


He hit send and it turned to another page that indicated his message had been sent successfully. Well, let's see if you right, he thought taking one more look at Sierra's photo. Then he prayed briefly: Whatever your will is Lord.

During all this, his stomach grumbled its hunger displeasure. So Jake set his laptop next to him, grabbed his crutches and headed for the kitchen. The kitchen was a gourmet chef's paradise complete with granite counters, stainless appliances—a large range (built into island counter-top), double ovens, wine cooler—and pantry; adjoins with breakfast bar.

Jake decided on a tuna fish sandwich, carrot sticks and chips. With the ingredients – bread, mayonnaise and dill relish spread on the kitchen table he built his lunch. He also made tomorrow's lunch, tucking it in a paper sack, adding an apple.

Back to the living with sandwich and bag of carrot sticks in one hand, a bottle of orange juice in the other—the chip bag he clipped to the crutch. So after he settled on the sofa and had eaten a few generous bites, he noticed a new message in his inbox. It was from Kansas girl! How cool—what luck, what a praise from God! Quickly he set the computer on his lap.

Hello Jake,

I'm doing just great, especially since I received an email from you. It's like opening a birthday present. You know what? I work part-time at a grocery store. Actually, this is only until I get my catering business going. Well work is work no matter whatever it is. I enjoy making jewelry, but I can't do that for hours on end.

Hmm, what to talk about? Do you have any pets? I have a green Pacific Parrotlet named Green Bean—funny name, I know—got him for my ninth birthday. Maybe I was eating green beans or something. Usually I call him Bean—he's my baby. They live between 20 and 30 years. I'm boring you with all this bird jabbering probably.

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