I Am Loving You (A Fred Weasley One Shot)

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It has been three weeks, three weeks since the ending of one of my best relationships with who I thought was the love of my life, Angelina Johnson.

But, to her, words meant nothing.

"Fred Weasley, I don't feel the same as I used to."

That's what she told me. In other words, she is in love with my twin, my other half, George.

But, I still continue working in my shop, tending to everyone's pranking needs, making them happy, but who is going to make me happy?

"Excuse me, how much is this?" asked the most gentle voice. I took my eyes away from the letter I was reading, and look up to see an angel in front of me. Her soft blue eyes shine at me brightly, and her blonde hair curls gently down over her torso. She is smiling a sweet, gentle smile at me, causing a nervous shiver down my spine.

"10 Knuts." I respond back with a smile.

"Thank you, um," she trails off.

"Fred Weasley" I say, holding out my hand. She shakes it softly and goes to turn away.

But no, I can't let her get away from me.

"Excuse me, I never got your name." I say. She turns around, slightly shocked that I askes her.

"Alison." she says in her angelic voice. I smile.

"Well hello there Alison." I say.

A blush creeps on her cheeks. She looks down, then back at me, and smiles sheepishly. She then turns away, and I feel something inside of me that says to not let her go. "What are these?" she asks.

I whip my head up. She is staring amazed at the rack of Pygmy Puffs. I look at her, she is staring lovingly at one in specific; the only purple one.

"Pygmy Puffs. George and myself created them."

"Wow." she says, almost like a litle kid. I walk over to her, and I can feel myself going pale. I look up, and out of the corner of my eye I see George with Angelina, and they are talking and laughing.

I feel so betrayed. My own brother, backstabs me like this?

I sigh, and look back up at Alison, but she is gone. She has wandered off down many other aisles, and I look back at the Pygmy Puff racks and see that the purple one is still there.

I hang my head and walk to the register. Lee is very busy, so I get behind one and start taking some customers.

Then she comes by.

Alison, the most amazing woman that I have ever seen, isn't truly gone. Yet, she is here, at the register, with her ever so famous Weasley products in hand. And then, she walks up to my register.

"Back again, Alison?" I ask.

She smiles. "Just couldn't stay away, sorry."

I laugh, but my laughter stops when she says goodbye.

This cannot be over. No. I can't let her go. She has to be the one. You can't just suddenly feel this way about somone. Love takes time to establish. But love at first sight can happen to the lucky.

I brush some of my flaming red hair away from my eyes. Then I remember. I still can have one chance.

I run to where I first met her, and take the lonely purple Pygmy Puff out of the case. I grab a cage and cup the small fur-ball in my hands.

I run out of the store, she couldn't have gotten far.

"Alison!" I call to her. "Alison!" I repeat, only this time louder. She turns and faces me, and stops dead in her tracks.

"Yes friend?" she says. Her blue eyes are dancing as she stares into my chocolate brown eyes.

"Here, I think you should have this." I say, handing her the Pygmy Puff.

She holds it in her hands, and holds it close to her eyes. She pushes back the soft blonde curl that is falling in front of her face out of the way, and smiles.

"What's this about?" she asks, slightly confused.

"I think that you would make a great parent for it." I say. She smiles.

But then I lose myself. She smiles shyly at me, and I cannot help but flash a smile back. I look through her eyes and see her soul; which is as beautiful as a sunset or as lovely as a rose.

I look down at her small figure, and lean down and softly graze her lips. She grins hesitantly into my lips, and I then pull away slowly.

"Sorry, Alison.."

"No, no, it's fine." she says. "Fred?"

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I am starting to fall for you, already."

I Am Loving You (A Fred Weasley One Shot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin