Little moments like these (wash)

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This here was a request from @Agent_Rose117 so hope you like it!





This, was how (Y/n)'s morning started. She had been living with the mercenaries for awhile now, they practically raised her and she thought of them as family. Felix and Locus were also fiercely protective of her, she was the whole reason the two mercs were now friends with the Reds and Blues.

(Y/n) had always been a mercenary, and on this particular mission she had sided with Locus. That was the when she met Agent Washington. She saw what Locus and Felix were doing to the Reds and Blues..... And suddenly, (Y/n) didn't want to be a mercenary anymore, even if it was all she knew how to do these people were her friends. She wasn't going to watch them get killed. So (Y/n) left with Wash, and the two had been close ever since and were currently dating.

(Y/n) kept her face smooshed into her pillow and groaned, they had a nice apartment but she was one-hundred percent sure that after this week Felix and Locus, would manage to get them kicked out. She yawned as she dragged herself out of bed, walking out to the living room with bed head, her (h/l) hair sticking up at odd angles. Locus had warned her about showering right before sleeping.... she probably should've listened.

"Hey.... What's going on out here?" (Y/n) addressed the guys in a half-awake-yet-still-half-dead state.

The two stopped arguing immediately as (Y/n) looked around at the damage done by Felix throwing knives around the house. A knife was wedged in the wall behind Locus's head, the coffee table vase was smashed, and there was a knife in the wall right next to where she was standing. She scowled at the them.

"You two, are going to get us kicked out, you're well aware of that right?"

Locus looked at Felix, he managed to mumble out, "If Felix didn't have temper tantrums over tv remotes, showers, and our lack of coffee then I wouldn't have knives flying at my head every two to three days."

Felix frowned. "It's not my fault that we don't have any coffee! You know it was my day to pick out a tv show! And we both know (Y/n) uses all the hot water in the shower!"

"Actually Felix, that's you. And you take like, three showers a day! Who the hell does that?!?" (Y/n) eyed him as she flailed her arms in dramatic gestures to make her point. Just something she picked up from Felix over the years.

Felix smirked and was about to say something probably on the vulgar side but (Y/n) snapped her fingers and pointed at him. "Zip it, I don't wanna know. Now, you two do realize we have guests coming over today right?"

Locus's green eyes widened and he went straight for his black trench coat hanging in the closet. "I have to make the food! Felix, you get to vacuum and clean up your own shit this time I have to run to the store."

Locus grabbed his wallet and keys on the way out slamming the door behind him. (Y/n) turned to Felix. "You, do as Locus said and clean up your mess and knives. I'm going to go tame my hair and make myself look presentable for my boyfriend and our friends."

(Y/n) turned on her heel and walked into her room to get ready. Felix scowled at her retreating form, pouting a pierced lip and mumbled a sarcastic, "Okay mom." Only to have a pillow hurled harshly at his face and a "I HEARD THAT BITCH! NOW GET CLEANING."

(Time skip)

Locus had been running around for the rest of the morning cooking.  (Y/n) had helped make the desserts, and Felix stood by and occasionally snuck some of the chocolate fondue dip from its bowl. 

Ding-dong! Right on time, it was 6:30 pm.

"I got it!" (Y/n) dusted her hands off on the side of her cream cardigan and walked over to open the door.  (Y/n) cocked an eyebrow when she heard shuffling outside and it sounded like arguing.  Upon opening the door, Simmons was standing there, ears bright red with embarrassment at the Reds and Blues shouting at one another. 

Sarge looked like he was going to throttle Grif, Donut was taking selfies on his phone and for whatever reason had pink cat ears on, Tucker and Caboose were yelling about someone eating the cheese and cracker platter they had brought over, (Caboose said Tucker did it) and Wash was next to Simmons,  with one hand in his coat pocket and the other pinching the bridge of his nose.  The noise level in the hallway was phenomenal and (Y/n) wondered how their doorman even let them up here.

(Y/n) gave the two an apologetic smile.
"Hey guys!  Cmon in! We just got the table set for dinner and Felix has Cards Against Humanity extended packs for us to use!"

The noise stopped and soon everyone was shuffling into the house with greetings and asking where they should set the snacks they brought with.  It was a long trip from where the Reds and Blues lived to here where Felix, Locus, and (Y/n) lived so whenever the two groups came over they brought extra food.  Though usually the Reds were missing half of their platter by the time they arrived and Grif was usually covered in crumbs. 

Once they had everyone seated at the table, Wash helped his girlfriend and Locus bring out the pasta they had made.  Grif immediately dug in and was quick to be scolded by Simmons for not having any manners.  So Grif stuck his head up from his plate, mumbled a 'thank you' and went back to devouring his pasta. Simmons just rolled his eyes and sipped his drink.

After dessert, the group set about playing Cards Against Humanity at the now clean dinner table, all except for Wash and (Y/n). They made themselves comfortable on the couch in the living room. (Y/n) cuddled Washington's arm as he flipped through tv channels. The two listened to the howls of laughter coming from Felix when he picked out the winning card.

(Y/n) sighed, breathing in the clean scent of Wash. She hummed quietly. "I haven't seen you in a while, how's your new job?"

Wash leaned over to wrap his arm round her and kiss her head. "It's okay, I don't really enjoying being stuck in an office all day but it pays well." (Y/n) hummed again, content and warm flowing through her, she loved being around Wash.

(Y/n) looked up at Washington. "You seem to be getting more sleep, I thought you said the pills didn't work?"

Wash chuckled and turned a light pink before running a hand through his blonde hair and looking down at (Y/n) with his pretty grey eyes. "You, uh, left that blanket at my house... It smells like you and um, i-it helps me sleep."

His face was now bright red and (Y/n) couldn't help but smile and peck his cheek before cuddling up against him again.

"I love you Wash, I hope you know that.

He grinned. "I do, I love you too, (Y/n)."

I knocked this one out today because I had extra time in class, hope you enjoyed it!

RVB (locus x reader x felix x wash) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now