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Jacob was watching TV with his "friend" when his mother came in and told him to change into clean clothes because he was about to go get his physical. He did as told and put on a blue button up shirt with black jeans and timbs. His mother came in about 30 minutes after and said "are you ready Jacob?" He nodded his head and said "c'mon Ray!! We're going to the doctor !" His mom squinted really hard at Jacob trying to think of why he was doing as he motioned at the wall.

Jacob and his mother wall outside to the car & she buckles him in his seat , while Jacob says "don't forget Ray ! He needs to be buckled in too!" .... "Umm baby , there is no Ray , he's not real.." She replied. Jacob started to giggle "mommy your funny , he's right here !" he says pointing to the middle seat in the car. "Okay then...." she reaches over and "buckles in" Ray. She closes the door and sits in the front seat & drives off to the physicians.

They pull up outside of the doctors office, Jacobs mother gets out and unbuckles her son and his "friend" so they may get out. "Jacob grab my hand so we can walk inside" she looked at Jacob sternly who was talking to his friend again. She tried another approach , "Ray come grab my hand so we can walk in together" she waited and Jacob came running up behind her leg holding on to her.

They walked inside , down a long hallway until they saw the sign in window , his mother signed Jacobs name on the click board, sat down and waited for his name to be called. About 15 minutes later an assistant comes from the back , "Jacob Perez?" he stands up and says "me!" . The nurse is frozen with awe at his looks "he's adorable!" she says to his mother. "Follow me to see the doctor , right this way" the nurse motioned Jacob and his mother.

"Finally, maybe I can get some answers to what's going on with my son, hopefully this is all just a phase he hasn't grown out of yet." his mother said in a quiet voice.

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