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Jacob was still processing the fact that Ray was a REAL person....that he had never met until that moment. His imagination was so strong it was all so real to him, but then he thought again... What about Marqus? What happened to him? (He will be in later in the story).

So was Jacob actually sick? Did he actually have schizophrenia? Was the diagnosis wrong? Yes he was really sick...yes he had schizophrenia but you are able to grow out of most symptoms by a certain age & no the diagnosis was not wrong. To answer some of the questions going through your head right now.

Don't get me wrong Jacob was NOT well. He still had certain delusions and was a little jumpy and he had a slight case of ADHD but he was still an amazing dancer for his age. There was 8 boys in the dance hall left because two of the 10 left early so there was : Ray , Jacob , Chresanto , Shaun , Trey , Khalil , Kyle & Keyon.

Khalil, Kyle & Keyon were brothers, their dancing was on point. They were 13,14&16 Khalil being the oldest. Dave Scott was looking for 13 & 14 year old boys...so Khalil was removed, the other two brothers refused to be chosen without their brother so they all stormed out....

Now you had : Jacob, Ray, Chresanto and Shaun. Jacob,Ray&Shaun were the same age 14. While Chresanto was 13. The choreographer showed the four boys left a 20 count move and they had to copy it...it was difficult for Chresanto he wasn't very coordinated but he had the look Dave wanted for the big surprise he had in store. After they were finished doing the dance the boys took a break and waited for Dave to come back in and remove another boy... This was a very intense moment, Dave only needed 3 boys because he had another 13 year old boy who could really sing and dance flying in from Philly.

Dave came in the dance hall and began to explain how he only needed 3 and proceeded to say..... "Jacob, Ray, and Chresanto... You guys made it!!" The three boys jump up and cheer! While they pat Shaun on his back as he walks over to his Mom over by the door and they leave. "So wait... What was the big surprise Dave?" Ray said.

"I'd like to create a dance group with you boys!!" Chresanto's mouth dropped and stood there motionless and un happy "but Dave... I can't dance why'd you pick me???" Dave went up to Chresanto and looked him in the eyes "I'm going to help you learn because I believe you could be one of the best dancers in this group" Chres began to cheese revealing his very noticeable gap.

"WAIT I heard something about a fourth guy? Who ? Where? What?" Jacob exclaimed. "Yeah his name is Craig he's flying in from Philly, I believe he will be the lead singer in the group."

While Dave was talking Walter Millsap & Keisha Gamble walked through the door smiling at the boys. "So... Are you boys ready to be in Mindless Behavior??!!!"

The boys looked at eachother and started smiling really hard and hugging eachother...this was the beginning of something new.

There will be plot twists so don't think this story will get boring.

In My Mind ( A Princeton Story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora