The Unthinkable

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Myth. Everybody loves that topic. Why? Because it is one unreal thing in life that makes everyone curious about it. Makes us wonder; “Are those thing really even exist?” or like the thinker asked; “How did that idea came up to our mind?” Was it based on someone’s experience? Or was it only our mind playing tricks on us? Whatever the reason was, I considered myself as a skeptic. I didn’t believe in myth. If you ask me why, I’d say because the word itself said ‘myth’, a lie. Period. There’s no such thing as vampire, witches, lyncans, ghost, the immortals.

I tried to doctrine myself with that idea. Really I tried. But in the past few days, I started to lose my faith. There are things that started to shake my faith.

Are these ‘unseen’ things started to show their selves? Or prove that they actually exist and the whole world should stop lying to their selves and except their existence.

That or the world itself is really going mad.

Whatever the reason is, my experience might also make you lose your mind as well.

This is my story.

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