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I woke up from my sleep with an uneasy feeling. It was still dark outside, a crow was cawing somewhere in the darkness. And my window was open, blowing ice cold winter wind into my bedroom. So, that was the one that woke me up. I forced myself up out of my comfortable blanket, leaving me covered just in my silk pajamas, the wind blew the cold air onto my skin, stroking my exposed skin deep down in my body, I shivered inside by the strange feeling because of the horror scene.

The window cracking with synchronal rhythms with the crow. I walked up lazily to lock my window. The wind blew my face as I stood in front of the darkness. It made my cheek went numb. In front of me, the shadow of trees danced like ghosts flying freely in the open night air, celebrating the night of terror. A couple of owls were cooing from the distance, rats, raccoon and squirrels squeaking somewhere in the bushes. It was like they were warning each other for danger.

As i close the window, the crow flattered its wings rapidly, angry when the edge of my window touched him.

“Sorry, bird.” I apologized, sounded stupid even for me. I watched in guilt as the crow flew to the night air. I guessed I offended him.

I looked at the reflection of myself at the glass window. The pale girl looked back at me. With her long caramel hair framed her petit face. Her blue eyes seemed tired, matched her pale white skin.

Then I saw a flash of shadow from behind my reflection. I looked back to the view of my room and found nothing was lurking. There was nothing but my ordinary furniture. My heart beat faster than before, rushing inside me, pumping warm blood all over my body twice faster than usual. ‘That was scary.’ I thought. I put my palm on my chest, feeling the fast rhythms inside and tried to calm myself down. I looked back to the window to check for the last time.

I noticed that the night was no longer windy. The trees weren’t dancing anymore. There were no sign of animals. It was all really quiet. Dark. Lonely. It was like they were running away of something invisible.

I let out a sigh and decided that I was just too tired and couldn’t think straight. I turned my body back to my room and without warning; a cold hand covered my mouth with the power of four angry bulls. My head felt numb as it hit the wooden window hard.

“If you ever think of screaming, I will shut you up forever.” Said a cold voice in my ear.

Alexander?! What was he thinking? Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night. I locked my door already, I could guarantee.  How could he get in without me noticed? I knew I should’ve felt scared. But instead of scared, anger boiled in me. Seriously, what was he thinking?

His body pushed me hard to the window, locking me from moving and struggling from his cage. I tried and tried to push him away but all I could do was tiring myself.

“I will let you go if you stop fighting me.” His eyes were cold as he spoken. As cold as his voice.

I nodded desperately. My blue eyes gazed at him confusedly, disbelieve and frightened. My heart raced against his body even faster than before. Hating the fact that he could notice his effort to get me worked pretty well.

He gently freed my mouth from his palm. Left me inhaled deeply, desperate for air. My head felt dizzy like I was having a hangover even though I never drunk for eighteen years of my life. His hands moved down to grip my upper arm. Gripped me tight with his cold hands.

“For heaven’s sake, what were you thinking?!” I asked him, sounded angrier than I wanted.

At first, he raised his eyebrows, trying to find the right word but then as fast as his breaking the entering action, his confuse look turned into his semi-smile. I looked up at him, secretly chanting to prevent the thought that he looked attractive in this distance.

Alexander moved his head slightly to cut the distance between his cold lips and my burning ear. I could feel his cold breath and his cold skin brushing against me intimately.

“I’m longing to see you, Katherine.” He said flirtatiously, I could spot a smile in his tone. Making me shivered by the sensation of his cold breath that weirdly felt hot inside me. A soft sigh escaped from my mouth.

“What?” Was the only word that I could say. My voice sounded weird even for my own ears.

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He moved his hand around me and slipped to reach my back. Locked me perfectly in his arms. His lips moved from my ear to my neck and he started to kiss my neck rapidly, moving slowly to my shoulder.

At that point I started to freak out. Once again I found myself trying to push him away but it was useless. He was strong as an immoveable tree, towering in front of me. Pinning me with his strong branches. I tried to shut my mouth by biting my lower li as hard as I could to avoid screaming in his ear.

“Such a sweet smell.” He said as he moved up, back to my shivering neck.

“Stop biting your lip, I’m the only one who has rights of those lips.” His hand rose to touch my bottom lip and released it from my teeth.

“Alexander, stop.” I begged from between my teeth. It was too much; he couldn’t do this to me. Not now. Not ever.

“But I won’t stop. I want you.” He teased between his kisses. Nibbled my ear as he let out a light of giggle. Enjoying every moment that he was fully owned me.

“You can’t.” I whispered powerless. Faded by my own breath.

“Oh, tell me that I can’t.” His words were arrogant and obnoxious. If he wasn’t that strong, I would’ve hit that face.

 He straightened his body and started to observe my frightened face. And in a snap he started to kiss my lips with his cold lips. Mashed mine and bit me with his sharp fangs.

“Ach!” I jerked in his arms when a drop of blood drip from my lips to my chin. I could feel him stopping when he felt blood touched his lips. He pulled himself off me to look at my blood.

And all of sudden, in a very fast movement, he grab me by my arm, tossed me to my bed. I heard myself screamed in horror. His face was furious and his eyes were dark and red. He showed off his fangs that were shinning, covered with venom.

“Please don’t hurt me.” I beg from between my shaking teeth.

But it was too late. He torn my neck and my blood flowed deep down into his dry throat.

And then I woke up with my body covered with sweat. My heart was racing inside my ribs. I raised my hand to touch my neck. No bite mark.

I sat on my bed for a moment of times to calm myself down. Once I could feel my own organs again, I laid myself down and covered myself in my blanket. As quick as I woke, I fell to a dreamless sleep in no time. And woke up without remembering anything from my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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