Chapter 1: Failure

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Cryptor's pov

Earlier my nindroids left to go fight the ninja. They should be back soon. Hopefully they defeated the ninja. They should have because they are good at fighting. It's what they were made to do! Well the other couple of times we didn't defeat them, but we will one day. My nindroids just have to get better at fighting. I'm the best nindroid ever so I don't have too. I see the group of nindroids come back. I walk over to them.

"Did you defeat the ninja?" I asked. One of them shakes their head. No. Well I honestly didn't really expect them to. If they can't do it with me then they definitely can't defeat them without me. I do know the Overlord will not be happy.


"What do you mean they failed!" he yelled. I was right, the Overlord is not happy at all.

"If they didn't defeat them any other time when I was with them, then how did you expect that they could defeat them without me?" I said. ...He's not saying anything. Why isn't he? Did I say something wrong or what!? He should not have to think that much about what he is going to say next.

"I suppose you are right. It was foolish of me to think they could do that without a general," he said. Why didn't he just say me? I'm the general, so why didn't he just say general or me?! I think he's plotting something. Or he just doesn't want to admit I'm right. He just probably doesn't want to admit that I'm completely right.

"Uh, yeah...I'm always right," I said.

"No you aren't," he said. Fine...I'm right 99.9% of the time and wrong .1% of the time.

"So you are fine that my nindroids failed?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked. ...

"Punish you," he replied.

"Me!? What did I do! I wasn't even with them! None of this is my fault! How can you even think to punish me!? I'm the general! You can't punish me!" I yelled. Maybe I should not have done that. I don't think he liked that very much. Too late.

"I can punish you and I will! You do not boss me around! Just because I made you does not mean I won't kill you!" he yelled.

"Do not yell at me! The only reason I yelled at you was because you said you were going to punish me! So that is not my fault! That is all your fault! Everything I do, good or bad, is your fault! You are the one who made me! So blame yourself for me yelling at you!" I yelled. ...I think that just got me in more trouble.

"...I was going to just reprogram you or something, but now I'm not! ...Now you are no longer allowed to be the general of my army!" he yelled.

"What-" I started to say before he interrupted me.

"And you are no longer part of my army! Now you are an enemy of my army!" he yelled.

"One, you can't do that! Two, how are you going to make the nindroids think of me as an enemy!?" I asked/yelled.

"I'll tell them you are a traitor!" he yelled. Traitor! I am not a traitor just like Pixal! She is an actual traitor! She works with the ninja now! She went from evil to good! How could she do that! Just so she could be with Tin-Can who calls himself a nindroid! He can't do anything I can! I can turn invisible, I can shoot lasers, and I can fly! All he can do is spin and turn into a weird tornado thing! She rather betray me and my army of nindroids for that! I'm not a traitor, I'm still evil!

"They won't believe you," I said.

"I know they will," he said.

"How?" I asked.

"I have my ways," he replied.

"If this is because I yelled at you, I'm...somewhat...sorry," I said.

"It's not just because you yelled at me, it's because you are a terrible general, you are a hothead, and mainly because you don't listen to me!" he yelled.

"Fine, then first of all, I'm not sorry at all that I yelled at you. Second, it is your fault I don't listen to you, you never programmed me to! Third, I am a great general and I'm not a hothead!" I yelled.

"If you were such a 'great' general, then how come you never defeated the ninja!?" he yelled.

"Did you ever defeat the ninja?!" I yelled. ...

"You are no longer welcome here ever again!" he yelled.

"What!" I yelled.

"Leave, before I kill you myself," he said.

"Fine, but this is not over!" I yelled.

"You have no army anymore, I don't think I have to worry about you ever again," he said.

"Don't you need a general though? What are you going to do about that?!" I somewhat yelled.

"That is none of your concern anymore. Also I need your swords," he said.

"Fine, but I will get my revenge," I said. I hand him both my swords.

"Sure you will," he said. I turn around and walkout of the room. Maybe I went just a little too far. I see Min-droid. Why is he just standing there? Wait-was he watching and listening to us! I know he did, I can tell by that look on his face that he did something he wasn't supposed to. Even though I can only see his eye because of the hood/mask, I can still tell. I don't want to have to leave him though...

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