Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye

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Cryptor's pov

"Were you spying on us, Min-droid?" I asked.

"...Yes," he replied.

"Were you thinking about lying?" I asked.

"Um..." he said.

"I wouldn't be mad, I'm just wondering," I said.

"...Yes," he replied.

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"Because I'm not very good at it," he replied.

"You need to learn to lie more often then," I said.

"And you need to learn not to yell at the Overlord," he said.

"So you heard everything?" I asked.

"...I think so," he replied. I'm glad he already knows, I could never tell him that. I'm the only...'nice' nindroid to him, and if I leave, the nindroids can do whatever they want to him. I may be mean to him and act like I hate him, but I don't hate him. Not all the time at least. Once in a while I do, but not all the time.

"I don't want you to leave...I want you as the general," he said. He sounds really sad and upset. He is the nindroids with the most emotions; I think he is at least. He got messed up when he was made. All the other nindroids have no emotions, around me at least, except for fear sometimes.

"I know you do, but...I can't," I said. Why is he so upset? He acts like this is somehow his fault or something. It can't be though, he didn't go with the nindroids to fight the ninja. I know for a fact he didn't, I chose who went and I didn't choose Min-droid to go with them.

"...I...I know," he said.

"Why are you so upset over this?" I asked.

"Because I just don't want you to leave," he said.

"Min-droid, I have to," I said.

"Can...can I go with you?" he asked.

"Min-droid, you know you can't," I replied.

"Yeah...I know," he said. I wish he could go with me, but I know he can't. I know he honestly doesn't want to anyways, he just thinks he does because he is upset.

"I want to give you something though," he said.

"...Why?" I asked.

"So you can remember me forever," he replied. He leaves. Does he think I won't remember him or something? I gave him his name, I don't think I'll ever forget him and he will never forget me. What could he give me though? He comes back.

"Here," he said. He holds out something. I grab it.

"Why are you giving me your sword?" I asked.

"I heard the Overlord tell you to give you your swords, so I decided that since you don't have an army anymore and now no weapons either, than you need something in case you get in trouble." he said.

"But what if you need it?" I asked.

"I have two. I only use one at a time anyways," he said.

"...Thanks, Min-droid," I said.

"You're welcome," he said. He's too nice sometimes. He suddenly hugs me. I hate hugs, but...I'll let him hug me now. I can't stop him if I wanted to though. He has my arms so I can't move them.

"Next time you do that give me a warning, I told you that last time," I said. Well, if there is a next time. There will be though I will make sure of it.

"...By the way I'm going to hug you," he said.

"Give me a warning before you do that," I said.

"...Fine," he said. I see a nindroid walk by and give us a weird look.

"...Can you stop hugging me?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

"We just got a weird look," I said.

"...I can, but I won't," he replied.

"Min-droid!" I yelled.

"Fine," he said.

"Well?" I said. ...He stops hugging me.

"I don't want you to leave," he said.

"You'll be fine, and I'll be fine too," I said.

"I won't be fine," he said. He might be right. But that's not a good thing to tell someone, especially when they are already upset.

"Yes, you will. I promise," I said.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" he said. He slowly walks away. Poor Min-droid. He is right though. There's no way I can keep my promise. But I'll try my best to though. I still don't know why he is so upset. I'll never know though. I guess I should leave now then. I look at Min-droid's sword he gave me. I can't believe he gave me his sword. Well, he does have another one. Wait, he lost his other one, he told me a nindroid stole it from him the other day. If he only had one, why did he give it to me? He needs it more than I do. Why would he give me his only sword?

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