Chapter 1

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Ariana's Point Of View.

"Ariana over here"

"Ariana is it treu that your going to rehab again"

"Ariana did Jai Brooks really cheat on you"



I walked in the building.

So many Paparazzi, they never leave me alone.

I walked to my apartment and went in.

Rriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnggg Rrriiiiiiinnnnnggggg!!

My phone went off.


Phone Convo:

Ari: hey scooter whats up.

Scooter: whats up? I'll tel you whats up! Why the fuck is there everywhere on the news that you have weed in your car? He said mad

Ari: because they found my weed. I said cassualy not caring.

S: you smoked weed in your car? Are you fucking crazy Ariana? U are soppose to be a rolemodel! Not an famous popstar with a Mariah Carey voice who smoked weed in her car!!

Ari: well sorry if i'm not a good rolemodel to teens! I just cant take it anymore! Everyone knows what i do! Every little step, its allready on TMZ! I cant take it anymore! I need a break!

S: no what you need is REHAB!I

And with that i hung up!

Im so frinking pissed right now!

Jai cheated on me with Vanessa Hudgens!

Atleast Selena stood by my side.

I hate my life.

I thought beeing famous, would bring change for me. Be a better life.

I walked to my room and weared my pjs and decided to go to sleep.

I cant sleep.

why, why do i have to be Ariana Grande?

the perfect rolemodel to kids and teens.

uggh i hate my life. what should i do?

i decided to watch a movie.

Runaway (A/N pretend Runaway is a movie!)

thats it! the girl in runaway hates her life, she runs away..

i know what i'm gonna do, RUNAWAY.


Hey Guys,

its me!

hope you like!

go read my other story Arranged!


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