Chapter 3

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Ariana's Pov :)

Cat, Cat Valentine.

Hmm i like it.
Its different from Ariana, but no one will suspect anything.
I walked to my mothers house. Its not that far. I cant wait to hear where my mom has that friend. But will that friend even have us. Will he reject us? Or will he accept us?
Is it a he? Or a she? So many qeustions. Maybe i can finally go to school there.
This is so exiting! I wouldnt be Ariana Grande anymore, not the Ariana Grande the singer/actress. I would be Cat. Cat Valentine. I wish i could tell my fans goodbye. I wish i could tell Selena that i would be gone and that she wont have to worry. I actually wish i never became famous, that the night Scooter Braun came by me house i never said yes. I could be just a normal Ariana, not Ariana Grande. Maybe Cat has to be different from me. She already has red hair. I'll think about it later. Finally i arrived at my moms house. I decided to knock on the door since i dont have a key or a phone to call my mom or Frankie.
*knock, knock*
Frankie opend the door. " Hey Ari, you- wow your hair!" "Yeah, i dicided to change my hair color so no one wil know wherever we are going, its me" "Good thinking Ari" "Yeah thnks, can i come in now"
"Yeah of course". I walked in to the house. "Wow, whats with all the suitcases? We can buy clothes where we are going, you know"
"I know but mom said to pack what we needed, and its only two, ones for me and one for her" "Thank you for doing this for me Frankie" "No prob sis" "Wheres mom?" "Oh she is in the kitchen" "oh okay" i walked to the kitchen and put my suit case on the ground. My mom was on the phone, probably with that friend. " oh okay, thank you so much Pattie! I ow you big time"
So i geuss that friends name is Pattie and a woman. "Mom" "Oh Pattie shes here i'll see when we arive, bye. Hey Ari are you- wait why is your hair red? "Ehh, i dyed it read an hour ago" "Why?" "Because i wanted to look diferent, not like Ariana Grande" "Okay hunny i respect that, and you look good" "Thanks mom, but where are we going?" "Well Ariana, you know how you always wanted to go to Canada?" "Yess....., omg mom are we going to Canada??" "Yes!!" I pulled her in to a hug. "Omg yay mom, Canada here i come!" "Yes, Now Ariana go and tell your brother that were saying at Patties" "Who is Pattie?" "Pattie is an old friend of mine, you may not know this but i'm origanly from Canada. Pattie and I grew up togheter but we split up when i met your dad and i then moved to New York and had Frankie, your dad got a job in Boca so we moved there and had a you" "Oh okay, im really looking forword to meeting her! She seems really nice" i walked away over to Frankie. "Frankie mom said we are staying at Patties in Canada" "PATTIES? OMG YAAY I LOVE IT THERE, AND SHE HAS THE HOTTEST SON EVER JUSTIN!" "Wow someone is exited! I chuckled.
Weirdo i thought to myself. My mom walked in the living room where Frankie and me where sitting. "Okay guys ready to leave?" "Yes, yes ,yes " frankie said. "Yeah sure" " okay well then lets go." We load everything in the big mini van my mom rented and drove of.

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