Chapter 3

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I was sent to an office at a different time then Sophia, Isabella, and Kaylee did. Where here was a guy with red hair waiting for me.
"Hi, I'm Josh." He smiled.
"Uh hi." I said and smiled back.
"I'll be showing you around for today." He said and handed me the copy of my schedule. He seemed nice.
   "Okay so you're first period is art, lucky you." He laughed, which was actually kinda attractive. I nodded.
  "Thank you." I said walking into the classroom. 


I went into third period, where I sat next to a girl with blue hair.
  "Oh hey!" She said smiling, looking up from her book.
  "Hi..." I said and she laughed.
  "Are you Aviana Jackson?" She asked and I nodded.
  "Oh, well welcome to this shitty school I guess. My names Kim." She stated and I smiled. 
   "Nice to meet you..." I said and turned to where assignments were posted on the board.
   "You met Josh, right?" She asked and I nodded. " Oh, well he's been talking about you. I think he might like you." She said with a slight chuckle.
  "Probably not, he doesn't even know me." I rolled my eyes and started on the homework. 
"He thinks you're really nice, I guess." She continued, but she looked kinda sad.


The rest of the day dragged by, until I got on the bus again, sitting with Isabella.
  "So, what all happened today with you?" I asked Isabella, then she started laughing.
  "So when I was in third period, this girl accidentally tripped and it was hilarious..." She said barely able to talk and almost fell out of her seat.
  "Oh, that's cool I guess." I said and she finally stopped laughing.
"So what all happened with you." She asked.
"Not much, but I did meet a girl named Kim, I guess we're like kinds friends." I stated and Isabella nodded as if pretending to care. The bus came to a stop and the people on our bus stop got out and walked back to our houses. Kaylee ran ahead of the three of us though. When I got in the house and got ready to swim in the lake, I heard messenger go off and I checked who it was. It was from Joshua dun, which I was guessing was the guy who helped me earlier.
Josh: Hey :)
Me: hey
Josh: soooo, what's up?
Me: I'm about to go practice for swim
Josh: oh cool! So, I was wondering if you wanted to like...hang out sometime.
Me: sure.
Josh: so is Friday good?
Me: yeah
Josh: okay cool
Me: sorry I gotta go, bye.
He didn't respond after that. I then made my way out to the lake and sat my phone on the picnic table. I swam right in, but I wasn't sure it was safe.

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