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Have you realised
How fast time flys past
Because it seems like only yesterday
We were just meeting
And today we are more than friends
If only you knew
That the happiness on the outside
Is not the same as the inside
Ive been through rough times
Ive had my heart broken more than once
And i dont think i could handle it
If it got broken again
So dont play with my heart
Dont drag me along
If you only feel sorry for me
Maybe if i just stopped getting close to people
And stopped using my feelings
I wouldnt get hurt anymore
If only i could just turn off my feelings
Because you dont know what ive been through
You may think you do but you dont
So if you really love me
Tell me
Dont keep it hidden or pretend to
Because the next break up that will happen
Will be the break up of your head from your neck
Dont mess with me because im sick of it

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