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This one is special for all the phobias.

Atelophobia: the fear of imperfection or not being good enough.

Athazagophobia: the fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced.

Agliophobia: fear of being hurt.

Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces or being in crowd, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.

Allodoxaphobia: fear of opinions.

Amnesiphobia: fear of amnesia.

Angrophobia: fear of anger of becoming angry.

Ataxophobia: fear of disorder or untidiness.

Bathopobia: fear of depth.

Batopobia: fear of heights or being close to high buildings.

Chirophobia: fear of hands.

Climacophobia: fear of climbing, stairs or falling downstairs.

Claustrophobia: fear of confined places.

Decidophobia: fear of making decisions.

Didaskaleinophobia: fear of going to school.

Eicophobia: fear of home surroundings. (Domatophobia, Oikophobia)

Electrophobia: fear of electricity.

Gelotophobia: fear of being laughed with.

Glossophobia: fear of speaking in public or trying to speak.

Haphephobia/Haptephobia/Chiraptophobia: fear of being touched.

Insectophobia: fear of insects.

Isolophobia: fear of solitude or being alone.

Koinoniphobia: fear of rooms.

Kainotophobia: fear of changes or fear of anything new. (Kainolophobia, Metathesiophobia)

Limnophobia: fear of lakes.

Macrophobia: fear of long waits.

Mastigophobia: fear of punishment.

Neophobia: fear of anything new.

Panophobia or Pantophobia: fear of everything.

Pharmacophobia: fear of taking medicines.

Polyphobia: fear of many things.

Philophobia: fear of being or falling in love.

Pistanthropobia: fear of trusting someone.

Scolionophobia: fear of school.

Sociophobia: fear of society or people in general.

Testophobia: fear of taking tests.

Tropophobia: fear of moving or making changes.

Zoophobia: fear of animals.

This are not all the pobias, but if you feel there is missing one, let me somehow know. All you need to do is send the phobia(s) and where the fear for is.
▪If I made a mistake by explaining a phobia, let me know that too, this part means a lot to me.
▪There are many phobias in the world. It's important to support people with a phobia.
▪I know 'cuz I'm a phobia too.

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